Our Constitution and true allegiance / by kevin murray

The Supreme Law of this land is its Constitution.  That does not mean that the Supreme Court has the exclusive right to interpret that Constitution, though in modern times, that appears to be how it is interpreted; granting those of the Supreme Court essentially judicial supremacy and thereby seemingly exclusive rights to enact and interpret laws per their decisions so made. In point of fact, the Supreme Court is not now, nor has it ever been, the supreme arbiter of Constitutional law in this land, but rather, it is the upmost duty of all political office holders as well as the people themselves, to see that the Constitution remains the Supreme Law of this country, and the only way that this can be is if the people, hold all those that are in its legislative, judiciary and executive branches accountable to that Constitution and that none should be above it.


The people of this country do not owe their allegiance and loyalty to the judiciary, nor to the legislative branch, and neither to the executive branch, but rather, such allegiance and loyalty must be given to the Supreme Law of this land, which is its Constitution.  This would seem to imply, that Constitutional law should be taught and emphasized to students throughout this country, so that they will implicitly understand, that an executive branch that aggregates to it executive orders and fiat decisions, is in almost every case, acting against that Constitution.  So too, judicial decisions, that clearly have nothing to do with the Constitution as it is, but are rendered by that Supreme Court as if that is so, should be seen for what they really are: judicial overreach and bad law without sanction by that Constitution.  Finally, those in the legislative branch that agree to pass laws, which are inimical to the Constitution, have violated that Constitution.


Our Civil War was the war that cost the most to this country in terms of the uncommon amount of those that died on behalf of that war, of which, at its conclusion, the United States ultimately became united again.  All those States on the southern side that seceded from the Union were subsequently required to swear allegiance to that union, represented by the Constitution, and further to acknowledge the abolishment of slavery.  Further to the point, the 13th-15th Amendments to the Constitution are collectively known as the Civil War Amendments, of which, those States that seceded, in particular, must be in accordance with those Amendments.  For instance, the 13th amendment abolishes slavery; the 14th Amendment provides all with due process and equal protection of the law; and the 15th Amendment prohibits the denial of the right to vote based on race.


Yet, more than 150 years since the conclusion of the Civil War, and nearly 150 years since the passage of these Civil War Amendments, a persuasive argument can be made, that this country has effectively ignored Constitutional law, and in particular, those Civil War Amendments, time and time again.  The relentless discrimination, the injustice, and the misapplication of law, specifically spearheaded against the poor, the disadvantaged, and minorities, is so ingrained within American jurisprudence, that rather than this land having a "new birth of freedom," it has, in many respects, proven that those that gave their last best devotion for freedom, did so, in vain.