A lot of people don't fully comprehend exactly how big Walmart really is. For instance, in the entire world, no private sector company does more business, that is, has more revenue than Walmart's $500 billion per year. Additionally, there is no private sector company that has more employees than Walmart, which counts a total of 2.3 million employees worldwide, and an estimated 1.4 million of those employees are located in the United States, alone. Those numbers, in a world in which big numbers are almost always what any business or enterprise or union is after, are far too enticing to be ignored. Which raises the question, how is Walmart, not unionized?
Obviously, the quick answer to the fact that Walmart is not unionized, is because Walmart makes it a cardinal point and principle that they will not unionize, and therefore they do everything within their power, in conjunction with all those auxiliary powers that clearly favor Walmart, that they be not unionized. This obviously means that Walmart not being unionized is definitely not happenstance; for it is deliberate, it is premeditated, and it is an edict from their Board of Directors and corporate office, in which their objective is to never give any quarter, whatsoever, to those that even contemplate, let alone attempt to unionize.
The fight for and the attempt to unionize Walmart is an incredibly unfair one; not only because the resources that Walmart can call upon are effectively unlimited, and not only because Walmart has the infrastructure, material, personnel and response team in place for virtually any contingency that they may face; but also because if this government will not even attempt, or even take on the semblance of fairness, in regards to union activism and activities, of which, there are appropriate federal labor law regulations clearly relevant and in place, than those that are attempting to unionize, will continued to be forestalled by tactics that often involve but are not limited to: surveillance of possible union activity, infiltration of possible union activity, direct retaliatory actions against possible union activity, and any and all actions that reduce work hours, jobs, and opportunities for those so possibly organizing for an union.
The fact is that the employees of Walmart need the union, because they need consistent hours and fair pay, and in absence of a union they are in an exceedingly vulnerable position, because so many of them, are barely keeping their heads above water, if even that, and thereby really can't afford to lose their job, or to have their hours or their benefits cut back. That in a nutshell, is the very definition of exploitation, for Walmart is able to effectively "bully' their employees into doing things for the benefit of corporate Walmart, without treating their employees fairly, which is why unions are necessary, in order for those that are in very weak positions and very weak bargaining power, to unite into one strong union, that can thereby get for those employees a fair deal and a seat at the table of weal.
The fact is the fight for union representation at Walmart is probably the best and brightest hope for labor and therefore for unions in the private sector so as to still be relevant in the 21st century; especially as opposed to what is currently happening, which is the slow but consistent erosion of private sector unions into non-relevance.