Those who know and those who don't know / by kevin murray

It has been said that "knowledge is power," and this is indisputably true.  So that, for instance, Stonehenge is no accident, but clearly indicates the knowledge of those so creating it, well understood that the configuration that was created would be done so that as reported by "The midsummer sun always rises exactly opposite the setting of the midwinter sun."  So too, in past civilizations, again and again, those at the top and those that were adjutants to them, were typically educated, literate, and well knowledgeable, as opposed to the serfs, peons, and everyday citizens, that were ill educated, illiterate, and easily led, for they had not the infrastructure or knowledge to effectively make and create lasting change or effective protest.


In this age of hi-technology, consolidated information, and relentless algorithms, human knowledge is being challenged by those that control the access to actionable information and deep databases that basically create a certain type of privileged knowledge on individuals and populations that allows those that control those machines, or the access to that information of those processing machines, to have an inherent unfair advantage over all those, that don't, despite their own individual knowledge or intelligence, or lack therefore.


That is to say, when everything that you do, when everything that you write, when everywhere that you go, and with every social media post, with every email, with every text, and with every tweet, such is monitored, correlated, classified, and processed, then your life is really not your own.  When a government knows everything about you, it can afford to be relatively liberal, for it knows every move that is going to be made, before it is even made; and if at some time, things get a little bit heated, that government will be several moves ahead, and that government will effectively be in the catbird seat of total tyranny for it knows everything about you, and you do not have the knowledge or knowhow to counteract that.


While there isn't anything necessarily wrong with leading your life as an open book, there isn't necessarily anything prudent about doing so, for not everybody has good intents in mind when they have access to exactly who and what you are; and thereby if you are unable or unwilling to protect the door that gives complete access to who and what you really are about, then the entity that enters probably is not going to be friendly, but rather will have a very strong tendency to have their way with you.


On the other hand, for all those that do not wish to lead their life as an open book, the game is almost basically over; for governments don't like to give up information, and they sure don't like to give up all their tools of the trade, and especially don't desire to do so, by giving that up to the huddled masses.  The fight therefore to be left alone, or to be forgotten, is a fight of unfair resources, but it's a fight that must be made, for those who know have the power of gods compared to those that do not know, and they that know will do as they please, and those that don't know, have nary the tools to stop them.