Religion and faith in one way or another, plays an important role in most people's lives, even of those that do not claim that they consciously believe in a Higher Power. The reason that this is so is because each of us is intuitively drawn to something that is far larger and greater than ourselves, even if we are unaware of exactly what that Force is. While it is true, that many people distract themselves from God consciousness through wine, ambition, money, or all sorts of material things and desires that steals our attention, such distractions does not preclude the channel to God knowledge from being forever open and available to each one of us.
Then there are those of us that profess to believe, and further that feel that by reciting a few religious words from rote are able somehow to be in harmony with the all seeing God, and thereby to have space set aside for them in some sort of eternal and blissful Heaven. So too, there are others, of good repute and good deeds, that work hard on doing right for their neighbors and their fellow sojourners, that feel that by doing so, they too will find their eternal rewards in Heaven. Additionally, there are those real laggards and procrastinators that feel if they can ask for some sort of absolution upon their death bed, that this will be good enough for eternal Glory.
While all of these things have their place, to be really saved, is actually something that necessitates effort, consistency, knowledge, concentration, correctness, and humility. All of this requires much labor and not only that but labor that is generated over an extended period of time, for the very thing that so many deeply desire of, while freely available to all, is only attainable by those that put their plow to the ground, and run their lines on the straight and narrow, while never once looking back to check on what could have been.
There are no shortcuts to Heaven, for Heaven is something that is rightly earned. So too, a soul that is truly saved, is a soul that not only knows right from wrong, but creates deeds that demonstrates that knowledge in action. It is not now, nor has it ever been, that a Sunday Christian is going to get very far at all, for to have one personality while inside a church or a place of sanctuary, but a different personality for everyday activities is not consistent with faithfulness and is quite obviously hypocritical.
For those that truly want to find God, than that wanting must be translated into actual action, so that, the individual choices that are made day by day, will be in accordance to the realization that God is the God of all, and never will this be compromised or trivialized. God cannot be bought; so too, God realization cannot simply be handed over to an individual, for God knowledge is something that requires the studious attention and the effective diligence of an apt pupil that is not satisfied until they come face-to-face with the God that is love, and will settle for nothing else but that.