People die for all sorts of reasons, of which one of them is the perception that some people have of being disrespected, which can and sometimes does tragically result in violent repercussions. The thing is, though, those that have the greatest self-respect, typically are not going to be thrown off by someone that is demonstrating some sort of disrespect, especially if the person that is being disrespectful, isn't really knowledgeable about what they are addressing, how they are addressing it, or to whom it is being addressed. After all, just because someone is purposely being provocative, or annoying, does not necessarily mean that a response to such is necessary or even appropriate, because simply not paying it any mind, is often times a legitimate response.
However, many people, do take offense at being disrespected, especially when that disrespect is done in a public forum, and feel that if they do not respond, that they are acquiescing or even agreeing that they are deserving of such disrespect, and that by not doing so, will further serve to show that they aren't really deserving of respect, and perhaps should rightfully be disrespected. Whether any of this is true or not, meaningful or not, worth responding to or not, is situation specific, but those that wear their respect on their shoulder, will find that this type of scenario comes up a lot more frequently, than those that do not.
The most important type of respect is the respect that you owe yourself, or not, depending upon your merits and accomplishments, followed by those that are your family members and peers. When those that are closest to you, disrespect you, or you perceive that you have been disrespected, your response should be consistent to who and what you really are, for someone that has a relatively high regard for their own self, should be far less inclined to overreact to someone disrespecting them, because you should already be secure in who and what you really are, and not worry about pesky people, that perhaps don't really know their place.
On the other hand, when you don't have a lot of self-respect, and someone close to you disrespects you, the common tendency is to react rather vigorously, which can make for a very volatile situation, over something that often has a lot more to do with your lack of self-esteem as compared to their lack of respect. So that, for those that don't like to be disrespected, recognize that probably you will receive a lot less disrespect if you work on the attributes that will make you a better person, of more value and worth, along with just becoming more comfortable with who and what you really are, so that, as a balanced and mature human being, you will recognize that, more often than not, the problem of disrespect, lies almost always with the person so initiating it, because they have issues that they want to take out on others, to deflect away from their own defects, so that, even though such disrespect seems personally addressed at you, it is really their poor way of coping with an unsatisfactory life, taken out on you, and it takes two to play.