Honor and dishonor / by kevin murray

There are plenty of people that are honored and respected just for the uniform that they wear, and there are plenty of people that are dishonored because of their slovenly appearance or because they take positions that are unpopular at that time.  The thing is though, honor and dishonor, can be viewed entirely differently depending upon the prism of your viewpoint.


For instance, in today's America, those that are uniformed soldiers, are for the most part, both well respected and honored by their fellow Americans, whereas, if we turn back the clock to the very late 1960s and through the early 1970s, soldiers returning from Vietnam, were subject to being spat upon, and even were considered to be baby killers, in which, the dishonor that some of these veterans received was intense enough, that they did not wish to be seen in uniform, and of which, those that dishonored these returning men in uniform, did so, for the most part, without really knowing that individual soldier, but out of their disgust for the Vietnam war.


So then, to a very large extent, the uniforms that those that serve their country wear, whether that be the police or military personnel, can be at particular times and circumstances, subject to honor as well as dishonor, primarily not because of those individuals and what they may or may not have done, but as a judgment upon those wearing such uniforms at a certain point of history, depending upon how the wind is blowing, which is subject to the narrative so being told by public media, social media, and the protest machines, so generated.


All of the above would imply that rather than honor and dishonor, being something that is fixed for all time, it, does, in fact, change, depending upon the times, so that, great political leaders, can at one time have streets, cities, towns, and statues built with their name prominently displayed, as a very visual display of honor for them, and then at a later time, be subjected to their names being removed from such, as well as their statue being taken down in the darkness of night, or to suffer varying degrees of continuous disrespect.


This means that the accolades and hosannas that we have heard to honor our heroes, should not necessarily be considered to be true and faithful, but merely outward signs, that are subject to being replaced within even a very short period of time, perhaps by the very same people or similar, turning those cheers into jeers, boos, graffiti, and the throwing of debris.   


The upshot is that real honor or dishonor cannot truly come from the mass of society, for they often do not know enough to appropriately judge a given situation, fully and completely, so too, sincere honor or dishonor will not come from those that are in the know, for they have their own agenda to deal with, and are prone to use symbols for that agenda in a manner that solely benefits them, so then, the only lasting true honor or dishonor for any given individual can only come from a place that is not corrupted by this world, and it is from this that honor so designated has been rightfully earned.