The Great Pyramid and the lesson it holds / by kevin murray

Of the seven ancient wonders of the world, only one of these wonders, the Great Pyramid of Egypt, still stands, of which this amazing pyramid, was apparently built around 2584 BC, in a time in which the sophistication, brilliance, and mastery to construct such an incredible pyramid should not have been able to happen.  All sorts of theories about the building of the Great Pyramid have been put forth, of which, none of the conventional theories make sense for two basic reasons:  of which the first, is that the people of that day and age did not have the tools or knowhow that would necessitate even the attempt to build such a grand edifice, as well as the fact that the amount of laborers or slaves that would be necessitated to  tool, move, place, and secure these gargantuan blocks would have been a simply astounding number, of 10,000 or even more, all to build just one pyramid, in which apparently these laborers or slaves did so, without revolt.


The very first thing to realize is that great edifices of unheard of skill, knowhow, and insight, cannot be created, without those people being far more sophisticated and far more advanced that they are credited to have been.  The people that planned and thereby created the Great Pyramid are, no doubt, on virtually every level, not even surpassed by mankind, even of today, which signifies that they must have been far more adept, intelligent, and brilliant that they are given historical credit for.  For instance, the Great Pyramid of Egypt was the tallest manmade structure for nearly 4,000 years, and it also despite weather, earthquakes, fires, and any other natural disaster that could be conceived up, is still standing, though, of course, it has suffered some from the ravages of time, as well as the removal of the highly polished white limestone which once covered its outer surface.


In addition, the Great Pyramid as reported by is "estimated to have around 2,300,000 stone blocks that weigh from 2 to 30 tons each," it is "precisely aligned with the Constellation of Orion," its "interior temperature is constant and equals the average temperature of the earth,", the "mortar used is of an unknown origin…" which "… is stronger than the stone and still holding up today." and further, it is "Aligned True North."    The list of amazing facts of the Great Pyramid can go on and on and on, of which, the only reasonable conclusion that an intelligent person can take from all of this, is that quite obviously the Egyptian population of that day was of far more sophistication and intelligence than they are given proper credit for,  especially considering that modern mankind is yet unable to figure out how it was that the Great Pyramid was actually really constructed and why, which signifies that mankind of today has fundamentally lost knowledge, that was once known by those ancient Egyptians.


Further to the point, in virtually any conventional rendering of how the Great Pyramid was built, the foundation that such a theory rests upon, is the inordinate amount of laborers needed to build such an awe inspiring pyramid, of which, many of these theories have designated those builders as slaves, whether literally or in principle, for these mass laborers are always depicted as nothing more than beasts of burden.  This would clearly indicate that mankind, today, has learned little or nothing of real history, for institutions built upon the backs and the unrequited toil of slaves will not only never stand through the ravages of time, but will be in their construction, fundamentally flawed or in error, for what the Great Pyramid represents is not and never has been, what forced labor can do for a King or Pharaoh, but rather that nothing is impossible for mankind, when mankind clearly recognizes that the earth and everything in it, is indeed their footstool, and thereupon puts forth the effort to demonstrate that by the greatest construction project of all time, unsurpassed by any other civilization, ever.