We have been told that all are subject to the certainty of death and taxes, and this is true, for none can escape physical death, and none can escape economic/societal taxes. Yet, there is that unexpected tax that many aren't aware of, but we should definitely keep in our mind, for our bodies themselves, carry a tax that must be paid upon them, for each of us though granted a physical body, are periodically sent reminders that this physical body is not who and what we are in essence, as the body provides the housing of our immortal soul, and consequently this signifies that our soul, is paramount to the physical.
Those that solely identify with the body and nothing but the body, will always live the most difficult of lives, even when they are happy and when everything is going just fine, for they know that like Damocles' sword, that their body will age, and that sooner or later their body will begin to fail them, for no matter how powerful that they may be, or the amount of money that they have in their pocketbook, eventually such a body, because it is physical, must expire.
So too, those that have great minds that they have utilized well in this life, are subject to body frailties, of which, if they believe that the body solely houses the mind, will distress them to no end, knowing that when the body completes its cycle back to dust, than the mind must surely follow.
Then there are those that are intuitively cognizant that they are not the body, yet, because the body is the form that they see themselves in, day after day, the spirit is basically forgotten, and the body is therefore concentrated upon, especially its needs and desires, so that, despite knowing that they are a soul, they act as if they are not, and hence their decisions and preferences made are often body specific and body driven.
Finally, there are a few that rightly know that they are not their body, that their origin has not ever been from this material world and that the true purpose of their earthly sojourn, is to aid others in their pursuit of the only thing that really matters, which is their rightful return to their Creator. For the earth was created, not for the restricting placement of souls, but rather as an outlet of such, of which, when playtime is over, it is time to return to the very First Cause.
This does mean that our Creator has placed upon each physical body, a form of tax, that all are susceptible too, so that our conscience will be pricked and we will therefore not lose focus and misapply our energies and emphasis solely or mainly upon our body, but rather re-dedicate ourselves to our soul. This tax subjects us to physical discomfort, pain, debilitations and disease of the physical body, as well as sadness, melancholy, sorrow, and grief that touches our mind, of which, these represent the eternal alarm clock that all must answer to, so as to wake up from the delusion that we are just the physical, when, in fact, we are and will forever be, the eternal and indestructible spirit.