The sacred quest / by kevin murray

As the world gets more educated, it has lost some of its sense of mystery, because as people know more about the laws of nature, and how nature works, they believe that such knowledge indicates that most everything that is knowable is tangible, or, if not tangible, can be successfully theorized about.  All of this has a very strong tendency to take away from some people a desire or a need for God, especially since the God that is so often as proselytize by others, seems judgmental, old fashion, and restrictive, in which, the absence of such, equates to more freedom with no eternal consequences.


In our life with our physical body, we have our five basic senses, which are sight, sound, smell, taste and touch, of which none of these attributes would seemingly allow us to find the immaterial God.  That is not surprising for these attributes are of our body and bodily senses are necessary in order to keep the body in good, working order.  We, though, are also actuated by our mind, which is not the same thing as our brain, for the mind is both inside and outside of our brain, but even for those, that see the brain and mind as being equivalent, the body cannot properly function without its mind, to oversee it all.


This mind, often sees the world through the body's eyes, and when we look around the objects that surround us, there is no one single object that we see, that simply is God, this then would imply that the God that we seek is hidden from us, and because God is hidden, for some people, there never is a quest made for God, because they cannot see or feel God, so thereby, they conclude that God therefore must not exist.  But, there are many things that we deal with every day, that are not visible, such as gravity, yet we are aware of it and recognize that gravity is real.


One of the reasons why God is hidden to us is that, like a treasure of immeasurable value, you do not leave such a treasure as that, out in the open, for just anybody to then grab and take; instead, you leave clues that devotees will surely recognize and thereby act upon.  In addition, within most, if not all of us, is a knowledge, that there is something that exists beyond us, that therefore compels us to search for it, and that is the most sacred quest of them all, for the search for God, a God that we are unable to simply just see, takes us beyond our five senses and thereby opens up a dimension, previously unexplored, and this undiscovered country, is everything.


A life that exists of a body, and of a mind, that will simply turn into dust, upon the body's demise, is truly a world of the cruelest dimensions, and cannot possibly be true, for it basically indicates that life has no meaning and has no purpose, for in that world, when the body dies, so does its dreams.  Rather, it is far better to recognize that the innate desire that all have for justice, fairness, and love, comes from knowing that these are our actual essence, and therefore it becomes our duty, to find the true source of such a desire, and to thereby make it our quest to find God, and those that sincerely do so, will find God, for God is already here, God is all around us, above us, and below us, for we all are part of the immortal God and always have been.