Television, movies, books, schools, friends, and even philosophers often don't seem to fundamentally understand correctly good and evil. Anyone that really believes, that good and evil are in a perpetual battle in which these forces are nearly equal, one against the other, is absolutely clueless, for evil could not exist, and does not exist, without good, thereby evil is not a power unto itself, but comes into play only as a free will corruption of good, nothing more, and nothing less.
The thing about life is that our free choices and our free decisions do matter, and that they therefore do make a material as well a spiritual difference in not only our own lives but the lives that are lived and experienced here on earth. This means that each one of us by our behavior and by our actions affects this world, for good or for evil, for right or for wrong, for better or for worse. So too, mankind's ingenuity can be used to make mankind's life appreciably better and it can also be used to make it appreciably worse, so the problem that mankind has, has little to do with the earth or our personalities being fundamentally flawed or evil, but everything to do with how we use our knowledge and the thinking that actuates and develops that knowledge that we so use.
The choices that we make create the world that we know, and choices made that are at odds to what our Creator represents, which is truth, justice, and love; than such wrong choices are in effect the personification and the bastardization of good, better known as evil, and the evil that we augment or manifest, is played out in the world at large, so the more efforts that are concentrated on being deceptive, unjust, and hateful, the more evil that is developed and spread throughout this world.
The end of evil, therefore, is completely within our own hands, for we are the ones that have created it within this domain, and to stop such, each individual to the best of their ability, needs to lead and conduct their lives in such a manner that their actions are good, and if all were to do exactly that, evil, would no longer exist, for the oxygen that feeds evil is in the breath of mankind, itself. This signifies that evil can never be eradicated by attempting to imprison it, or to kill it, or any other negative or restrictive action, that mankind has a tendency to gravitate to, as if war brings peace, for it does not. The way that evil ends is to recognize that we are not infallible and that we are not gods in the first place, that, instead, as created beings, our first responsibility is to do right by our Creator, of which, we do that by emulating the perfection that God so does represent.
Evil, is the deliberate lack of true recognition and the cognizance of God, and the willful rebellion from God, as if by doing so, will somehow make those making such decisions, equivalent to a new sort of god. That does not occur, and will never occur, for evil is never a new creation, it is instead the corruption of what has already been created, that will never become whole again until it returns to the Source of it all.