We read in scripture, "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge…" Proverbs 1: 7, of which the connotation of the word "fear" needs to be understood as not so much as a physical fear, but rather more akin to an ultimate respect and an ultimate reverence for our God, for if we do not have these things within our character for our Creator, wherever will we develop it for anyone or anything else. This thus means that those that recognize that there is a power above them, that is omnipotent, omniscience, and eternal, will, if they are seekers of true knowledge, conduct themselves in such a manner that reflects this truth.
God does not wish us to cower in fear at his awesome power, for God has actually provided us with free will and a free conscience to go about our business, which indicates, that this great gift of freedom is also the greatest gift that we can bestow upon one another, for just as we are not automatons of our Lord, as his little playthings, so then we should not want to treat others as anything less than free agents of the same God that created us in the first place.
However, the corollary of freedom is responsibility, and the beginning of wisdom is to understand that freedom without responsibility is a form of chaos, along with being demonstrative proof of a lack of purpose, for if we do not truly know who and what we really are, then however are we to know how to properly behave one to another. This then means that God wishes us to create that foundational rock of which we can build our lives upon and thereby bring forth a civilization which unites in recognizing that each is created by the exact same hand of God, and that therefore all are entitled to liberty, fairness, and justice.
If, on the other hand, mankind devolves into believing, that man is the measure of all things, than any hope of worldwide lasting peace, fairness, calmness, and justice will vanish into the thin air of a world starved of life-giving oxygen and the fresh water of truth, for those that do not fear the Lord, are the very same that fell away from God in the first place, believing that they could be gods, having the power to discern both good and evil, when in reality, they left Light and fell into darkness.
Those, that above all, pursue God with the diligence of one that will not rest until they find the end of all sorrows, will on their journey, increase their knowledge and wisdom in such a manner, that they will rise above the daily bickering and backbiting of human interactions, to recognize that all is well within their soul, for they will perceive others that are flailing, as what they really are, lost, and pathetically grasping at all sorts of straws as substitutes for God, without ever truly fearing God. For when one finds their rest in God, one too will find love, and then all will be right for love is the pot of gold that those that righteously fear God discover anew.