Understanding Anger / by kevin murray

Some people lose their temper almost every day, whereas others are far more controlled in their response to things that may well set other people totally off.  The thing about anger, and losing one's temper, is that one's preference, all things being equal, should be to not allow that temper to get the better of one's personality and thereby to become individually destructive and/or to create problems for others nearby; for an uncontrolled temper, actuated by anger, can wreak havoc and can literally change a persons' life for the worst in a blink of an eye, as well as negatively impact all others that are caught in that maelstrom of that moment.


In order to better understand anger, it is important to break anger down to its most basic form, which is, that most expressions of anger, come from the feeling that "what is happening right now, is not what I want," and one's response to that event, and the intensity of that response, reflects one's disappointment and possible rage that one's desire, has been denied by something, some circumstances, or someone.  This would seem to reflect that anger has a lot to do with things not happening in the way that a given individual would want them to happen, unexpected or not, in which those suffering from such anger, have a viewpoint in which things, events, and happenings, should ideally revolve around their needs and desires, while not taking into account other people's legitimate needs and desires, by minimizing or ignoring them, which realistically is never going to be the way that this world will ever be.


So too, anger can arise, from the pure happenstance of life, of random events, of unexpected or unanticipated events, of things that just happen at a given time or moment, which are clearly undesired, but have happened nevertheless, in which, once again, one individual, cannot control the world, they cannot control nature, they cannot control randomness, and basically can't control all that much of all the myriad and multitude of things happening all around them, with the exception of having the option of controlling their response to events that are not desired and maybe are not warranted.


In point of fact, people are going to get angry for a whole lot of reasons, of which some of these are reasons that are actually quite legitimate whereas others have reasons that clearly are not.  The thing though about anger, is that one doesn't need to allow it to run riot, and should in most circumstances, endeavor to control it, for when a given person's actions, are no longer being constrained by general moral and ethical concerns, but instead are exploding into something that has a monstrous life of its own, nothing good will come out of it, and possibly much harm will be the result.


Rather, a much better way to understanding and with dealing constructively with anger, is to, while recognizing that what is happening right now is not what you desire or want, that a reasonable and responsible response to such a situation is to deal with it, as best that one can, as a mature and accountable adult, recognizing that sometimes bad things happen to good people, that sometimes things don't go one's way, that there is injustice, evil, and wrong in this world, and that uncontrolled anger is virtually never the right way to deal productively with such.


It is of vital importance to take control of one's anger, and not let anger take control of you, for those that have mastered anger, have gone a long way to mastering themselves in such a manner, that when faced with the stormy winds of misfortune and tribulation they will bend, but they will not break.