There is a goal in life / by kevin murray

Everyone should have a major goal in their life, though this goal may change from time-to-time, nevertheless, as we gather wisdom and maturity, the goal itself should be something tangible, real and actively focused upon. The reason that we need a goal is to have something to work towards, and to drive our interests and our endeavors so as to get closer and closer to that goal, for if we merely take life as it is, than we will find that not being centered upon a specific purpose, we are thereby tossed to and fro in the waves of life, never bothering to be master of our own domain.  


As in anything of worth, our effort, our intentions, and our diligence, makes a significant difference as to whether we make progress or not, so that, we must, as much as possible, not let the distractions of sense pleasures and sense enjoyments be our rulers, in which case, we are living for those temporal enjoyments and treating these as if they are of real importance, as opposed to being the master of our physical senses, recognizing that though the body has real physical needs, it should not crowd out the voice and spirit that actually actuates our very being.


That is to say, it is of vital importance to recognize that the spirit and the body are not one and the same thing, and therefore those that put the body first, have sacrificed their spirit, as well as their intelligence, to bodily needs and wants, as if this is the most important thing, when it most definitely is not.  So too, ego gratification, in which, we must be treated in a certain way, or recognized as a superior personage, or treated with obeisance respect, sacrifices our universal spirit and mind, to the service of a lesser god, that places us first amongst equals, as though we are all that, when in actuality, we are not.


There are many pitfalls and wrong turns in life, which is why we live in a society in which each member of such has a responsibility to treat each other as a true brother and a true sister, for all are part of the very same family, as we have been created by the very same divine hand.  This so does mean that we should want to have reflected back to us, the truth of all matter, and that we should be able to conduct ourselves in a manner in which we embrace having a dialog, that allows each to sharpen our skills and our mind with the other, so that we are able to maintain our focus and to apply ourselves successfully to the tasks at hand.


Life can be summed up as the pursuit of finding the source of it all, though there is nothing wrong with stopping alongside our journey to appreciate and to understand the beauty of all that is right in this world, yet, the objective of such a journey, ultimately, is to find ourselves face-to-face with the Benefactor of all that is good.  We should never be satisfied with something less than the ultimate best, for that is what we are made of, and therefore we must rise above all limitations that sidetrack us from achieving this, of which, sense pleasures, ego gratifications, and self-absorption, are the false paths that enchant so many.  Instead, we must recognize that our lives are never complete until we see and know in a manner which harbors no doubt, that what we have found has no beginning and has no end.