We are told to "know thyself" and this should be the foundation for our outlook on life and what we should or should not be concentrating our energies upon, for if we are very busy, in doing this or doing that, but do not understand the purpose behind it all, then in all likelihood, we are out of focus as to our true purpose in life.
Above all, we should desire to know the truth, of life, both temporal and eternal, and of whom and what we are. This should be foremost in our minds, in addition, as we mature and pick up wisdom, we may need to make adjustments of our viewpoint to reflect this new knowledge, for those that have closed minds for whatever reason, or minds that do not desire to contemplate ideas and things beyond their self, have closed the most important portal that they could ever imagine that they would ever need.
In all of this, our Creator desires us to find the right path and to avoid the perils of false paths and false promises, yet, so many are so tied to this physical world, that they cannot see beyond it, perhaps because they are struggling just to survive in this world, or have not the time or mind to think outside of their own narrow viewpoints, or have been trained, indoctrinated, or taught things that are false, by those with good intentions or not, that they are mired in a situation that they cannot seem to escape from.
Yet, one's mind is always active, it is always yearning, it is always searching, and only a conscious and deliberate effort to suppress such by drugs, alcohol, things of the world, pressures of the world, or purposeful ignorance, will preclude us from understanding that there really is something beyond our five senses that completes us. For instance, everything that we see, hear, taste, smell, and touch, we believe for a certainty to be true, yet those senses are not our only senses, for all those senses are physical, yet, one's own mind, though physical in the sense that we have a brain, is beyond physicality in the sense that thinking consists of a conscious mind, the subconscious mind, but also the super-conscious mind, which is universal in nature, and beyond our normal awareness.
The daily perspective that we carry with us, has an immense influence upon our outlook and what we do or don't do in our interactions and our activities on a given day. So many, out of habit, out of expectation, and out of desire, trod the road that has been already been taken by so many others, basically in conformance to others, when, what they should at a minimum do, as they approach that fork in the road, is to at least carefully consider taking the road not taken, for that will make all the difference, for the lasting peace and fulfillment that one so longs for, will only be found by a conscious decision to find the source of it all and to not rest until that source is found,
Each of us is gifted with a good conscience, of which the greatest use of such a conscience, is to actually utilize such, for done correctly our conscience will act like a beacon of illumination showing us the correct path that we must journey upon.