The Dow Jones Industrial average is the most widely quoted stock index number, basically recognized by even the average American, and the stocks that make up the Dow Jones Index are a fair representation of the industry leaders of business enterprises in America, of which, most of those components of the Dow Jones Index, are household names. The massive size and worth of these corporations are something that most people are really unable to fathom, with WalMart, for instance, having yearly sales of approximately $500 billion, and the market capitalization of the thirty stocks of that Index as of September of 2018, totaled nearly $7.5 trillion, in an economy for America that of 2017, had a yearly Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of $19.5 trillion.
The above surely indicates that these companies that make up the Dow Jones Index are dominant corporations, in which most of these companies don't just do business in America; but are international in scope, international in employment, international in sourcing and significantly dependent upon international markets for their continued growth and continued profitability. So too, because the amounts of money that are involved are so consequential, corporations of that size, make it their point to position themselves favorably with all regulatory agencies, governmental officials, and edicts of all stripes. Additionally, corporations are essentially not in the gambling business, that is to say, their abiding preference is for laws as well as rules and regulations to be in accordance with their preferences, because they are in business to do business, and their size seldom gives them the flexibility to turn who and what they are on a dime, therefore they never welcome unanticipated and undesirable changes.
This so signifies, that the largest corporations in America, are not interested whatsoever in a true democratic process, though, they don't mind the veneer of one, but rather would ideally like to deal with an imperial presidency, that will issue executive orders, in addition, to quid pro quo deals, that benefit each party. So too, corporations with the best lobbyists that money can buy, make it a point to structure deals with important legislators (local, State, and Federal) in order to benefit unfairly from laws as well as the rules and regulations that are thereby passed to benefit those said corporations. This, quite obviously, is why we often find that the biggest and most profitable companies are somehow able to get tax set asides that favor them at the expense of any that would try to compete against them, because those corporations have reached the right people that will broker the right deal for them, empowering and enriching them even more.
None of the above is good for America, because as more economic power is concentrated into fewer and fewer hands, this thus creates industries which are essentially monopolies, or duopolies, or simply industries that essentially collude with one another without fear of legal action; so that the masses of the people in America, end up getting short changed from having to pay more for what they buy, from suffering from less real choice, in addition to laboring at jobs which often don't pay them a fair or living wage, and because of the tragic decline and thereby the lack of influence of unions, most Americans no longer have a seat at the table of meaningful decisions.
So too, when the biggest corporations and the government at the highest levels work hand-in-hand with one another, you don't have a democracy, you don't have a republic; instead, you have the makings of totalitarianism, and the snuffing out of liberty in America.