In regards to God, it must be stated, that omniscience literally means “all knowing”. This means, that despite our individual or collective brilliance and efforts, there literally is absolutely nothing new under the sun, and thereby no new knowledge for God to newly comprehend or to absorb. This signifies exactly what is implied, that God knows everything, and further that there never was a time or place when God was not omniscience, personified; further signifying that there never will be a time when God will not be omniscient.
Quite obviously, from a mortal perspective, the concept that God is omniscient is well-nigh impossible to actually comprehend, but there is fundamentally a massive dimensional chasm between that which is immortal from that which is mortal. This then, surely represents, that all those that concentrate to its exclusion, on things that are mortal, and dismiss all that which is immortal, are barking up the wrong tree. For, in actuality, the most important knowledge isn't knowledge of the mortal kind, which, has its place and purpose, but rather, knowledge and the tools of the trade of the immortal kind which can only come from a secure and unpolluted connection to that which is immortal, and nothing else.
God knows everything, which by definition, means that not only is God no longer learning, but that there was never a time when God did not already know it all, and forthwith that there never was a time when God was a pupil to anybody or anything. This means, from our limited viewpoint, and egotistical outlook, that no matter how clever and creative we are in this mortal plane, we are unable to add a whit of knowledge to God's absolutely complete arsenal.
So too, the fact that God is omniscience signifies that everything that we are searching for, and in particular, that of knowledge, is contained within the presence of God, so then, our highest duty is to seek that knowledge from the Source; for why settle for anything less than what is ours, by our birthright?
Of course, some would argue, that if God is omniscient, then we must not have free will, for if God knows everything, then God already knows the result, before we have even made our “free” choice. This then is one of those perplexing puzzles, that seems to present a paradox, signifying that we aren't as free as we believe and thereby, it so follows, not actually personally responsible, for the decisions that we make. Yet, the decisions that we make, day by day and moment by moment, must definitely has an impact upon our lives, as well as on others, so that the ramifications and permutations from such, seem unlimited and in total, appear ultimately unknowable in advance.
Yet, the answer to this omniscience and our apparent free will paradox, is as simple as this, the present reality that we are so focused and obsessed upon, is itself, an elaborate illusion, in fact, a dreamlike state, of which, when we finally pierce through the unreality of this material life, we will find that we never once left the bosom of our God.