Civilization and legal standing / by kevin murray

This country was founded upon its Declaration of Independence, the most seminal document in all of American history, of which it states, "…that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, … — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men…"  The importance of that declaration is the very basis of why our Constitutional government, did not become a monarchy, or a dictatorship, or an autocracy, so that, the people of this great nation would never have to address the occupant of the Executive office, as "your Majesty," or "your Excellency", but rather such is addressed as the President, with all the proper and due respect so accorded to the one that is that President; recognizing that this is a country organized and instituted among the people, by the consent of those people, and so governed by the people's representatives.


In America, according to its own law, no one being, is born or made superior to another, or allowed to have exceptions set aside for them because of their power or their influence so that they are above the law, but rather all are equally subject to that same law.  This signifies that the legal standing of all citizens within America is exactly the same, of which, while, this is somewhat taken for granted in the present age, it is not the historic norm, and was at the time of the foundation of America, pretty much, revolutionary.


That is to say, in many countries, one's birth parents, created the status of a given individual; so too, in other countries one's inherited caste determined the opportunities and education provided for those members, as well as in many other nations, one's religious persuasion was the preeminent driving force of whether such a person was thus considered to be orthodox and accorded certain rights, or thereby unorthodox, and therefore accorded far less.  So too, those that were the favored racial or religious or ethnic background, were favored citizens over all those that were not of that same background, and often in most of those countries, there was not only a hierarchy in citizenship and rights, but even a formality that mandated that certain people were accorded certain rights, whereas other people could not ever have those same rights, and hence, were not full citizens, but rather people with smaller subsets of rights, privileges, and duties.


In any civilized country, one's legal standing, is of incredible and vital importance as to what opportunities that person will or will not have.  For those that are citizens of America, each of those people, no matter their background, no matter their creed, and no matter their color, are accorded equal rights and have equal standing in the court of law.  This is the very basis of what makes America such a great nation, because it not only does not prejudge or pre-classify its people, but has made it policy, that all are entitled to equal rights under the law, equally and fairly applied.


Of course, the reality of the situation is that though America talks a really good game, its follow-through has historically been somewhat suspect.  As true as this is, at least in America, the laws have been written in a manner that all have the same legal standing, though they have not always been fairly or justly applied, yet in the skeins of justice, it can be said and seen, that at least in America such is bending towards justice; whereas, in many a nation, you are either born with it, or born without.