Christ, Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow / by kevin murray

Christ is eternal, which means, though Jesus was born into this material world, made His ministry of lasting import, and was later crucified to His physical death, that in actuality Christ never died, for Christ, never was born.  That is to say, there is the body, and there is Christ the eternal, and these are not one and the same in substance, of which, we should at least get a hint of this, by the fact that as Christ promised, He raised His temple in three days, proving that there is a dimension that supersedes physical laws, and therefore is beyond time and space as humans perceive such.  So that, it is fair to say, that Jesus the person was actuated by Christ the soul, and there never was a time when the divine Christ did not exist for God is immutable, unchangeable, and all truth.


This then so means that those that celebrate Christ's birth and Christ's resurrection, as well as His ascension, as if these events are in the past, have it both right and wrong, for history is written in a linear perspective, but this perspective is limiting and does not tell the full and complete story, for each day, each one of us has the opportunity, to allow Christ to be born anew within them, and each day, each one of us has the opportunity to receive Christ's second coming, if they will only open the door of their soul and let Christ come in.


It is important to recognize, whether you acknowledge it or not, that Christ is here, right now, and your ability to see and to comprehend this, comes down to your ability to focus your attention wholly upon this, for a mind divided, is a mind that is not fully in connection with God, and that lack of connection to God creates the interference which precludes you from seeing and knowing what is already here, for if you seek, you will re-discover Christ, for there never was time when Christ was not already here, waiting for you to realize Him.


So that, while it is wonderful to celebrate Christ's birth, as well as to celebrate Christ's resurrection, it is a mistake to see this as something that is simply good enough to acknowledge and appreciate, but never good enough to live to or to aspire for.  If Christ, really means something of real significance to you, then wake up, and recognize that Christ must live within you, now, and if you believe that Christ will come back at a time that is akin to a thief in the night, then prepare yourself well for his return, for if you are not prepared, now, then His message has never taken root within you.


While there are many ways to read the tale of the Christ, at a minimum, it must be read as follows, that those that are non-believers in their heart will be stymied in their growth for their obtuseness and blindness, while those that are true believers in their heart, will not rest until they find the sanctuary that is perfectly represented by Christ; whereas all others that are lukewarm, are considered to be like many present day nominal Christians or believers, that appear so good from the outside, but are empty and devoid of God harmony on the inside, for everyday when Christ knocks on the door of their consciousness, they are too busy to be troubled to meaningfully answer it, for they feel they have done enough by simply donating a few coins or attending this or that, but never actually comprehend the real message, that Christ is already here, waiting, patiently, if they would only truly open up their heart to receive Him in.