We read in Holy Scripture in Exodus 3:2 "And the angel of the Lord appeared unto him in a flame of fire out of the midst of a bush: and he looked, and, behold, the bush burned with fire, and the bush was not consumed." This signifies that the flame of God's light is a fire that consumes nothing, yet illuminates all. So that, the greatest wisdom that we can ever achieve is the wisdom that shows us all, without destroying anything that has been created, meaning, that acts of violence cannot and will not create lasting peace or justice, as well as destructive and negative actions and attitudes, do nothing to bring forth good and positive vibrations nor the warmth of compassion and caring.
We cannot physically see God because the dimension that God resides in, is a dimension wholly beyond the one that we typically identify with by our five senses, but instead, is a dimension that is beyond time and space. So too, the fact that God is perceived by us as an unquenchable fire, yet totally under control, which thereby brings forth to us stunning, bright light, but does not burn anything up by this fire, demonstrates that God's awesome power is and always will be under His complete domain, that indeed despite mankind's wrong-headed belief that he is the master of his own fate, instead, God is the eternal master of it all.
In order to burn off the dross of our ignorance, without destroying the body or the mind, only a fire that is non-destructive can provide the heat and light that will remove the ignorance from the scales of our eyes, as well as to provide us the insight to see clearly the pathway of who and what we really are. Yet, it is still up to us, as free beings with free will, to accept this gift from God, and to thereby make good of it, or to continue in our darkness of doubt and unawareness.
Those that do not embrace the burning bush that is immanent inside of them, instead live inside caves of varying degrees of darkness, of which progress is stymied time and time again, because it is difficult to make good progress, when you cannot clearly see the way and the direction that you should be going, so that, at best, it is an educated guess, and at worse, totally wrong. Yet, such darkness, even the darkest darkness of them all, will for a certainty be eliminated within a blink of an eye, as if that darkness never existed, when the burning bush suddenly appears with its great magnificent illumination.
Such an appearance of a burning bush would for virtually all people, be the most vivid and the most intense experience by far of their entire life, because when a door to a higher dimension is suddenly opened, bringing forth brightness and such love that you have never experienced before, it will, as a matter of course, completely overwhelm you in a manner that will awestruck you, and make you to believe, for the very first time, that all previously was vanity, that clearly you knew not what you were talking about, that indeed, to be truly God fearing is the very first step in gaining true and lasting wisdom.