Everyone seems to use some sort of social media, especially those in the millennial generation, of which, most people are seriously misunderstanding of how social media is most definitely a two-way sword; no matter how well you believe you have your own social media under your control. That is to say, some people are proud to point out that their Facebook or Instagram accounts are set to private, as if private on the internet is somehow equivalent to private in real life, something akin to being alone behind a locked door with blinds and windows sealed shut, though it most definitely is not.
The problem with social media and any of the assorted bells and whistles that will discreetly make your account appear to be more private and thereby less accessible to outsiders, or this or that, is that social media sells you the illusion that this is actually occurring but the walls that have been built up, aren't much more than weak cardboard barriers, that will prove little or no hindrance to determined people that strongly desire to know something indiscreet about you.
For instance, people do dumb stuff all of the time, of which some of that dumb stuff is illegal, and incredibly being that dumb they post pictures or videos or make posts that essentially incriminate themselves, feeling that because they are using a nickname, or their account is on private, or so on and so forth, that only their authorized friends will see their posts, and all that is to the good. The very first edifice that puts this whole thing in perspective, is the incredible amount of "friends" that people have on their accounts, in which, they usually don't know for a certainty who these friends really are, so that, those that do not have control of their friends, have lost control of everything private on their account. That is to say, case law, has already adjudicated that if you share your "private" post with a friend on social media, than that friend, any of your friends, are free to disseminate such information as they so desire, even to the police, and that therefore any expectation of a violation of your privacy is null and void.
As already stated, you don't even know for a certainty exactly who all your friends are, and people fall out from friendships all the time, so a privacy setting isn't going to be all that secure for you in the first place. In addition, the posting of messages, cryptic or not, blatant or not, on social media outlets that essentially incriminate you or someone that you know, are actionable information to the police authorities, so if you are on their radar to begin with, or become part of a pertinent investigation in the future, the police are going to for a certainty take a thorough look at all of your social media accounts, but not only that, like an endless chain of links, they can then follow your friendship to another suspicious person, than follow that suspicious person and so on and so forth, till the police have a very detailed database aboutwho and what you really are. This means, that when you are called in for questioning, or arrested, you will quickly lose your confidence, when you come face-to-face with the fact that the police know an incredible amount of information about you, and most of it has come from the police simply sitting on their behinds, and scouring the internet in a comprehensive and thorough manner.
Things such as social media, devices that constantly update to the world your location and your activities, are all easily monitored, so if you want to live your life in a fish bowl, in today's world you are, for better or for worse.