Our Pledge of Allegiance, ends with "…with liberty and justice for all," which is a wonderful sentiment, of which, though there are many faults within America and its application of fair and equitable policies, it does at a minimum, pay a reasonable homage to this sentiment, though, unfortunately, it often falls short. Still, this is a country that gives its citizens a vote, has a strong written Constitution with liberal principles, such as freedom of speech and of the press, petitioning of the government by the people, and the free exercise of religious belief.
Now, the measure of a great nation, if it truly be great, is the very things that we hold in principle, are the principles that we first and foremost wish to see secure within other nations that we associate with on a constant and consistent basis, so that their people too, will live within a country that offers all of its people, liberty and justice. That is to say, the greatest export that we should wish to see exported to all other nations, is the principles of our Constitutional government, because Americans believe that it is this Constitution that allowed this country to not only demonstrate that it has been truly blessed by God, it also has enabled America to become the ultimate superpower that it now represents.
While there probably isn't a country in the world, that America doesn't have trade with or diplomatic relations with, in one form or another, it would seem that America does a very poor job of exporting republican and democratic virtues to them, and instead prefers when dealing especially with unstable, poor, civil discord, and third world nations in particular, to prefer to deal with autocratic regimes, in any of its various forms. America, by its actions, surreptitiously or not, has again and again, supported repressive regimes, overthrown elected parties within regimes, designated specific parties to back in repressive regimes, and has purposefully interfered within sovereign nations in such a way that they favor certain parties and specifically oppose certain factions. The United States not only plays favorites, or backs favorites, but it deliberately supports autocratic regimes that it perceives will be beneficial to America, or its businesses, or its military interests.
The reason that America gets nervous about truly democratic institutions, is that convincing a whole nation, that America is the best thing for that nation, is a lot harder achievement to accomplish, as opposed to convincing a small elite clique within a nation, that they should allow American multinationals to drill for oil or to exploit other natural resources, as well as setting aside certain land areas for an American military base, or treating American business interests as a priority within that country, and so on and so forth. America prefers to have their designated man in control of a given foreign nation that they will personally benefit and protect, in order to profit from the things that that particular country can provide to certain selected interests of the United States.
So, while America preaches the virtue of liberty and justice for all, domestically, on the other hand, way too often, it has little interest in seeing that accomplished internationally, for it selfishly wants its own way, wants to take advantage of others foibles and weaknesses, so that all this can be exploited to the advantages of the military-industrial complex and other businesses within America, because really the business of America in other foreign nations, has very little to do with liberty and justice, but rather is all about benefiting certain specific American interests, which is far easier to achieve with "tinhorn" dictators.