America likes to believe the lie and to propagandize the lie that all are treated equally in this country, and further that this is a country of meritocracy, in which all have the equal ability to rise up to the upper echelons of society, and while there is truth in that type of sentiment, it is not the whole truth, and there is absolutely nothing about present day America that substantiates in whole such a premise, whatsoever. In point of fact, America's favored race is white, it has been white, since the inception of this country, and there isn't any good reason to believe that it won't be white for the foreseeable future, so those that spout such nonsense in regards to racial bias being a thing of the past, or believe that our civil right laws, and equal opportunity laws, and affirmative action laws, have somehow done enough or are doing enough to compensate and protect those that are not the favored race, are deceiving themselves.
The bottom line is that in aggregate, blacks and American Indians have the worst public education facilities to receive their "education" from, they have the worst net worth, they have the worst net income, they have the worst economic opportunity, and only lead whites in dubious categories such as incarceration, arrests, violence, illicit drug usage, and so on and so forth. While, there are many reasons that this is so, the most fundamental reason for them all is location, location, and location. That is to say, American Indians are typically treated as wards of the state, though they are tribal nations, ostensibly sovereign nations, they are in effect, economically disadvantaged and given little opportunity to ever find meaningful gainful employment, poorly educated, subject to substance abuse, and treated, at best by our national government, with benign neglect. Blacks, have for the most part, seldom been fully integrated into society, that is to say, there are white areas of town and there are black areas of town, but there are few truly integrated areas of town that proportionally represent each of the races as if race was truly random, rather instead there is an implicit amount of blacks that will be permitted within a given section of a town, and when that implicit inflection point is surpassed, the whites will flee. This means, in effect, that many blacks don't really go to integrated schools, rather they attend schools of lesser quality, of lesser safety, of lesser budgets, that are, in effect, separate, unequal, and unacceptable.
Imagine though, somehow it has become mandated by American law, that all lawful pregnancies must now be done with surrogates and through in vitro fertilization, and further to the point, that in order to balance the American budget, a law has been duly passed entitled "The Reproductive Re-balancing of Progeny Act", in which those that want their offspring to be white, have to pay a financial penalty in order to be permitted to do so, or if not, then their children will only be allowed to be born as black or American Indian. One might think if color didn't really matter, and recognizing that the child would still be yours to love and to cherish, that a significant amount of people, might not have issues with this, and if so, racism, sort of like the dream line of communism, would sort of wither away. Then again, this is America, white people are not stupid, and they know that as the favored race, it's like having a perpetual head start for everything, so they certainly would not want to willingly give up the privilege of being that favored race, especially for their children, so they would pay and they would pay dearly to have their children be born white, and that is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.