America has a wonderful Constitution, which has stood us well for over two hundred years, but rights, even natural rights, unfortunately, can expand or contract, depending upon the governmental apparatus that the population has to contend with. Today's government in virtually every aspect has never been more invasive into the privacy of individuals, for truly, it can be said, that the government knows everything about you, and that knowledge gives that government incredible leverage over the individual, for the government and all its resources impressed upon a given citizen, means that that citizen has no chance, of being able to stand their ground, unless that citizen's ground is combined witha Constitution of real substance, for without that, all is surely lost.
Our Constitution bestows upon us many rights, rights that are ours, but these rights can be wrested from us, if the courts, if the legislature, and if the executive branch, corrupt such, to benefit those that effectively run the government as they so desire. For instance, we somewhat take for granted that we can speak, write, worship, and think, whatever that we want to be, but in actuality, our words, our speeches, our worship, are all under surveillance virtually all of the time, for the implicit privacy that we believe that we have when we are on our cell phones, or on the internet, or through email, or attending our church or our mosque, is subject to observance and recording because when we are either out in public, or utilizing a public network, or the event or service is open to the public, than such recordings or observation can be made, and with today's powerful computers, algorithms, and overall processing and correlating abilities, the government has the ability to comprehensively and fundamentally know who and what we are about, which is knowledge that they can exploit to their benefit, if need be.
That is to say, nobody is hardly free, if what they are saying, if what they are reading, if what they are writing, and if what they are doing, is being recorded, processed, and analyzed on a real-time daily basis, by a government that certainly does not answer to the people, but is a power onto itself. When we were little children, our parents and teachers had a responsibility to watch over us and to correct us, for our own safety and for our own betterment, for they had at their core, our best interests in mind. On the other hand, the government does not love us rather they want to categorize us, as either friend or foe, so as to have the upper hand upon us, meaning that we may have to consciously amend our behavior so as to become more compliant with governmental desires or decrees, because we are fearful of governmental power, unleashed directly or indirectly upon us.
All of this combined, means that inexorably and relentlessly, we have ceded nearly completely our public space to the government, and implicitly virtually all communication forms as well, so that citizens are left only with their freedom of thought, but even this last bastion of freedom, cannot long stand against a government that has the technology and wherewithal to act upon that as well.