Over time and through the years, the people have been browbeaten by a federal government that has aggrandized unto itself more and more powers, and more and move invasiveness into the ordinary affairs of its citizens. While, on the one hand, we can appreciate the usefulness of a powerful national government in helping to provide the citizens with a common national defense, along with good infrastructure, such as roads, electricity, transportation, schooling, and assorted other things that we take for granted each and every day, there is on the other hand, something troubling about a government that takes it upon itself that it should know each and every detail, no matter how obscure, no matter how private, that involves a given individual, placing the government always in that catbird seat, which allows them to have the power to boss and to control its citizens, or else, steal from these people their very freedom, or freedom of movement, or freedom of thought, or freedom to just be about their business.
The Constitution which is the law of the land, is something that the federal government, the courts, and those in the upper echelons of power, have re-constituted to suit their particular needs and desires, of which, the very first sign that things are woefully amiss is the fact that the Constitution should not be looked upon as a document that enumerates certain specific rights and obligations that citizens have, which have been granted to them on a specific case by case basis, but rather that the Constitution is actually a document that specifies, in particular, by its Ninth and Tenth Amendments, that the true power of this land rests in the hands of the people, and therefore it so logically follows, that this is a government of the people, by the people, and for the people, signifying that the Constitution, as well as our Declaration of Independence were specifically written to uphold the common man, his freedom, his vision, his dreams, and that this government derives its just powers only and by the consent of those so governed, and is not, and shall not be a power unto itself.
Further to the most obvious point, this means, that a government in which the citizens have to petition the government as to what they can or cannot do, is not the government that the Constitution created. The Constitution was meant to create a free people, with free will, in which the primary purpose of that Constitution was more akin to laissez faire, than a government that insists it must regulate and control virtually everything in the ordinary affairs of its citizens. There are many problems with governmental monitoring and governmental control, of which, the most basic of these problems, is that rather than the government helping to create or to maintain a level playing field, the government typically plays favorites, and thereby those that have influence with the government, or, even worse, are part of the government, have an unfair advantage over all those, that are not so favored, for the government as presently constructed, is virtually never fair, never equal, and never just.
This then is the very crux of the problem, for a government that is large enough to do everything for you, is the very same government which is powerful enough to destroy or to control you. The best government, then, for those that are true seekers of freedom, is truly the government that governs least, for powers by the people ceded gradually or suddenly to governmental authorities, results in oppression and tyranny, and thereby the trading of one's freedom for servitude.