Our forefathers fought a valiant battle to provide us with freedom, of which, that freedom consists of many important things, such as freedom of thought, freedom to find gainful employment, freedom of movement, freedom to conduct business on a consensual basis, as well as freedom of expression through speech and the press, and the freedom to worship or not worship as per the individual's desires. These freedoms are the very essence of what this country stands for, enshrined in our Constitution and should as a matter of course, be freedoms that are well respected and well known by all citizens of America.
Alas, there are many inconvenient truths in life, as well as inconvenient untruths, that each of us must deal with on a constant basis, of which, for whatever reason, people are surprised again and again, that lies and damnable lies, are permitted to be spoken or written or worshipped to by individuals and institutions, in which some people, decry that such a thing could ever be possible or permitted. This, unfortunately, is missing the forest for the trees, for if the only things that can be spoken of are just words that are truthful, if the only words that can be written are just words that are truthful, and the only worship permitted are contained within the established religion of a country, than you do not have freedom, you have instead created a government of censorship and regulation which is of itself, a violation of this Constitution.
If, the people, are not comfortable when words are spoken or written that are hateful, upsetting, not in conformance with one's one opinions or thoughts, lies, and so on and so forth, the appropriate responses to such are to ignore it, to respond to it, to argue against it, and so on and so forth, but an inappropriate response in this country, is to stipulate that because you heard or read something that you don't agree with, that therefore that speech or what has been written must be censored, and thereby going forward, further speech such as that, must be regulated by governmental oversight or fiat.
The above type of thinking is flawed, for either this is an open society, with true freedoms or it is not, it is either entirely one thing or entirely the other, because when a society is open, you are as a matter of course, going to come up against thoughts, words, and actions, that you may not agree with, but those expressing such are entitled to do so, with a very few notable exceptions, such as shouting "fire" in a crowded theatre. On the other hand, if you believe that such thoughts, words, and actions, must be regulated, you are essentially requesting that the government or its equivalency shut those people up, thereby making each person and institution subject to governmental oversight, governmental regulation, and governmental punishment for expressing themselves in a manner or way that you or society doesn't approve of.
This is a country of free speech, of a free press, and of free worship, which should be the fundamental rights in any just society, for the appropriate discourse of ideas must allow the free exercise of one's own thoughts in order to help formulate a society that takes responsibility for their own actions and deeds, so as to become in whole, a more complete and better nation for its respect for diversity and free will, allowing each in their own way to have freedom and liberty.