The seminal document in American history is its Declaration of Independence, for it is this document, which succinctly put forth what it was that we were in rebellion against, in which the foremost complaints against Great Britain was its tyranny that was injuring its subjects on this Continent as well as Great Britain's usurpations of our unalienable rights. All this led to our successful and bloody revolution against Great Britain which ultimately resulted in the uniting of our individual States into the United States of America under its present-day Constitution, which begins with the preamble "We the People…"
Our Constitution signifies that we are legitimately governed by those that have been properly delegated to be in their positions of authority through the voting powers and representation of the people, and that therefore those that are in authority are not in authority because they have been born into it. If necessary, the people are entitled to hold their representatives' feet to the fire for these office holders have a sacred duty to honor the Constitution which represents in writing the responsibilities that these representatives have to the people, and that thereby those that aggrandize unto themselves special privileges, special immunities, and special powers, have vacated their legitimate ruling of the people.
Those that are in the highest authority in this land, be it judicial, executive, or legislative, must always be the true representation of the people for the betterment of the people, recognizing that their power is only legitimate as contained within the Constitution, and to supersede or to overthrow the unalienable rights that each of us has been gifted to by our Creator, is fundamentally in error.
This means that when this government behaves in such a way that it demonstrates on a constant basis its tyranny over the people, through its constant standing military forces that busy themselves in every nook and cranny of the world, through the lack of trial by jury in the vast majority of our criminal cases, for taxes and laws that favored special elite groups while unfairly burdening the great middle class of this country, than such a government of tyranny must be called to account for itself, for its true legitimacy comes only from the consent of the people, as opposed to some sick preconception that they may rule as they see fit, running roughshod over the Constitution, so that the Constitution means whatever they want it to mean, so as to primarily aid those in power and their beneficiaries, so as to control and suppress those that are not.
Those that are our representatives have a primary fiduciary duty to first to do right by the people, and to specifically to obey and to uphold this Constitution, to administer justice fairly, to promote the general welfare which applies equally to all, to represent well this nation per its Constitutional laws, as well as to always to be held accountable and transparent to the people, of which these people have sacrificed again and again their blood, their toil, and their tears so as to create and maintain a nation truly blessed by the hand of God, to which the people and its representatives have a holy obligation to stand with each other when each of them is right, and to quickly make amends when either is in the wrong.