Seek what is true / by kevin murray

While there are things in life that are relative in the sense of the limits of your perspective, in the sense of the limits of your background, in the sense of the limits of your insight, in the sense of the limits of your intelligence, and so on and so forth, truth has never been one of them.  There is but one truth, those that believe that there is more than one truth, or that truth is relative, know not what they are talking about, and such "thinking" clearly displays their ignorance, for if there was really more than one truth, all of life, would be nothing but an endless chain of chaos and confusion, which, upon looking at how societies and people interact on earth, would seem to imply that such is the belief in regards to truth of many.


Ultimately, without doubt, there is but one truth, though the paths that each of us take may materially be different from those that take other paths, making each path unique in its own way, those paths, will as a matter of course, like streams to a mighty river, merge into one, for the result for all that seek the truth, is the arrival at the very same place, no matter how diverse, initially, our thoughts and our lives have been.  


While we are encouraged by our parents, by our education, and by our lives, to learn the skills that will do us and our families well, allowing us to thereby become productive members of society, there is an inner need that far exceeds the skills of any trade or craft, and that is, to seek the very meaning of life, the truth of it all.  For how does it profit a man, to have all of what this material world offers, only to recognize that they still cannot prevent age from advancing upon them, or ill health, or any combination of things, that will eventually and inexorably take their physical life away, signifying that they that thought that they had conquered, have instead been vanquished, forevermore.


Instead, the very first thing, that all should be encouraged to do, is to think, is to contemplate, is to understand that the search for what is the truth, is the most meaningful journey that anyone can take, for if you work very hard, and are very diligent, but know not what the appropriate goal or purpose that life is, however, will you find it, except by some incredible happenstance.  On the other hand, those that make truth, the first principle of their life, will find that the structure and the thinking behind such, fundamentally is different, and they then are able to develop the appropriate perspective to visualize what is truth, so that this knowledge fundamentally changes them from delusion to clarity.


We live in physical bodies, in which if our body is our master, we become sense creatures that are activated by the pleasing of those senses, but the body does not last, it is ever changing, making it clear, that truth, is not physical and thereby tied to material things, but that truth must be beyond time and space, it must be eternal, without beginning and without end, immutable, unchanging, and it is this truth, that we must seek, that we must know, which until it is re-discovered, our hearts will remain restless for truth is the be-all and end-all of all journeys.