The seminal document for all Americans is its Declaration of Independence, and a careful reading of such, we come upon these immortal words: "… that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are…" in which most people finish the sentence correctly with life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. However, many people gloss over the absolutely critical point which is that life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, are unalienable rights but not the only unalienable rights that we are entitled to, as the Declaration of Independence clearly states that these three unalienable rights listed are some of those unalienable rights, but not all of our unalienable rights.
Scholars have postulated that the Bill of Rights (our first Ten Amendments to the Constitution) completes the set of our unalienable rights, those these Amendments to the Constitution don't carry with it the actual title of Unalienable Bill of Rights, yet, in principle, these rights should probably be considered as unalienable, which means that each of these rights as enumerated by our Bill of Rights are of extreme value, pertinence, and importance to the citizens of these United States.
From that, we should be able to discern our unalienable rights by carefully and logically thinking it all through, for unalienable rights, by definition, supersede any legitimate or illegitimate governmental power, for these rights come to us not by the power of the government, not by the privileges granted to us by such, not conditionally, not rights that are ours some of the time and sometimes are not, but these are rights that we are born with, they are unalienable, and no state agency has the legitimate God-given authority to wrest such from the people for these were gifted to us by our Creator, and not by man.
These additional unalienable rights indicate that we have the right to reasonably defend ourselves from foreign or domestic hands, that we have the right to earn and keep the fruit of one's own labor, that there is permitted no taxation without fair representation, that we are permitted to worship in whatever manner that we so please, in which, further, neither the government nor the people has the right to impose upon us who are what God we should worship to, that we entitled to speak our mind and to freely express those thoughts whether politically correct or not, that our press and other communication devices are free to distribute whatever news that they so desire, that we may freely associate with whomever we so desire, regardless of their race, creed, or social status, that all are born free and none are born into servitude, that we have the right to know the charges that are made against us by policing authorities and in addition we are entitled to receive a fair and speedy trial, in front and by our peers, that fines, bails, or punishments should be reasonable and fairly applied, and that we have the right to be secure in our own private property, fairly obtained.
There isn't anything more important than our unalienable rights, which is the real and legitimate reason that governments are instituted amongst mankind, for these governments are specifically created in order to protect our unalienable rights, and a country that makes that their policy in principle and practice, is truly a nation blessed by the very hand of God.