You might think that the above question is absolutely preposterous, yet, the way that so many people live their lives, by design, by accident, or by social restrictions, this would strongly imply that as it is here, so as it must be above. That is to say, look all around you, and it is relatively easy to see divisiveness and segregation, by creed, by color, by national origin, by sex, by age, by looks, by money, by employment, by housing, by clothing, by accent, and so on and so forth. While America as well as many other nations, have strived towards integration, with some countries having made significant progress in doing so, there still remain systemic problems that preclude such from advancing much pass a certain baseline, as too often, people band together not by acknowledging each person's content of their character, but more so by what often appears to be socially conditioned identification cues that consciously resonate from one person to another as well as fromone specific group to another.
Then, of course, there is the fact that even within the very same religious affiliation, people have widely divergent views of Heaven, or of God, or of judgment, and everything in-between. Not to mention, that there are literally hundreds of different beliefs in regards to God, to redemption, to the afterlife, and so on and so forth, which would presuppose that a few religions must have it basically right, and a few religions must have it basically wrong, with everything else in-between, but ultimately though, there is just one God, the Alpha and the Omega, there is just One that is the Only One, no matter what name, that our Creator is designated by, there is ultimately just that One, omniscient, omnipotent, immutable, eternal and just.
So too, there are not different versions of Heaven, or different degrees of Heaven, or anything in-between, there is only just one Heaven, the very same Heaven that all souls ,equally created by the hand of God , will return to. This very basic understanding that there is only one Heaven, should represent to us our very first clue, that if we are unable to see that each of us is entitled to the same basic benefits and the same basic rights as the other, than we have failed to comprehend that we are all equal in the eyes of God, and any divisions that we comprehend between us and "them", are false divisions and false paths that we must forsake for the blind cannot ever lead the blind.
While there isn't anything wrong with desiring to congregate with the people, friends, or family that you feel comfortable or compatible with, it is wrong to close your mind to others, as if those others are somehow, unworthy of your goodness and respect. So too, while there is something to be said about desiring to aid those closest to yourself, as well as to benefit those that you have the most affinity for, in addition tomentoring those that are part of your same milieu, that isn't going to be quite enough to get you to where you really do want to go. If you want to be in Heaven, a Heaven that consists of love, respect, joy, and peace, you must perform those very acts in this world for those that have cursed and mistreated you, for Heaven is made up of those that never gave in to hate or evil, but instead overcame it all with love.