Your Soul's Mission / by kevin murray

We read in Holy Scripture at Jeremiah 1:5: "Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee…" so too, the disciples questioned Jesus the Christ in John 9:2 with this question: “…Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?”  These scripture passages represent clear markers acknowledging our existence in another dimension before we were born into this world.  In truth, our manifested life here on earth confuses many in the mistaken belief that we are just material finite corporal beings, because we are locked into seeing just what is reflected back to us; then there are others that believe that life here is our one time to do right and/or be saved, and that thereafter upon our physical death we will be judged, but the disparity in lives that we are born into, our family circumstances, nations, lifestyles, and so on and so forth, are so varied, clearly, if this is just our one life, all that ever we would be, than that life as created, is unequivocally in aggregate: unequal, unfair, and unjust.  This then means, for the inquiring or contemplative mind, that there must be something that transcends the rather limited vision propagandized by so many.


The answer to the above is reincarnation, or the re-manifestation of our soul into physical form, after our death here on earth, so that our soul lives eternally, with periodic incarnations into a physical form, followed by our bodily death, then a re-setting of our soul and its direction, and thereby our re-birth.  This means that each soul before it incarnates here on earth, has a specific purpose in its incarnation to achieve in their bodily form on earth.  While that goal is quite clear before incarnation, our incarnation itself drops a curtain, so to speak, behind our soul's incarnation, that precludes us from easily connecting with our greater purpose, unless we so dedicate ourselves to listening to that still, quiet voice within, which will gently but forcefully remind us of who we are, what we are about, and how we should be accomplishing the tasks that we previously had put in front of ourselves.


Each of our lives has a purpose, that purpose is specific to that individual, those that live up to their true purpose in action and deeds, are thereby accomplishing their mission, which enables them to grow closer, step by step, to He who knows all, for oneness with God, is our ultimate objective, for all else, leaves us devoid of the peace that surpasses all understanding.  It is this peace, that drives us ever onward, ever desirous, of doing right, of making right, until we get it right, for none ever can reach that pinnacle of perfection without discarding all that preclude such.


The trials and tribulations of this life, are each of ours baptism by fire, of which, some are cleansed wholly by such, some are burnt but learn from it, and others are stupefied and thereby become immolated.  It is these trials and tribulations that give us the opportunity again and again, to make good on our soul's mission and thereby progress, or to fail for one reason or another, and to thereby regress.  To say, however, that we care not, which way the wind blows, is to dishonor our angelic advisors and guides, to dishonor ourselves, and to dishonor our God. 


Each soul has a mission, known to that soul before its birth; it is thereby our most sacred duty, to know that mission and to successfully accomplish it, for that is indeed what we came here to achieve.