We get paid to work, and for most people, we work because we get paid. The money that we make is our own, and the decisions that we make on where, what, and how we spend that money is, rather recognized or not, also our own. This means that you can learn a lot about yourself or about others, by simply observing what they spend their money on, and also on how much they do or don't save in money in a given month.
People treat money in all sorts of different ways, some are extremely disciplined, in which though they need food or clothing or desire entertainment, they are diligent in shopping for such things and take full advantage of sales and timing, and by virtue of doing this, they are able to make their money go farther and to utilize, at least from their perspective, their money more prudently. Then there are others that as soon as they get their money, spend it in a hurry, grabbing the things that they desire, without taking into account, better deals or consequences, and finally, there are those that are a combination of both, and really just about everything in-between.
So too, there are many, many people, that talk a big game, about how generous they desire to be, or how generous they would be, if only they had more access to ready money to do so, yet, two people, under similar circumstances and salary, will utilize their money in vastly different ways in which often times, if really desired, there is that available money to make a meaningful impact in another person's life, to make a donation, to give back to society, yet one person does and the other person does not.
It is true that the money earned is actually ours, so that, money earned and how we utilize it can be looked upon as our personal treasure, in which our treasure is in our control as to where we place it, what we do with it, and how we grow it, or not. Some prefer to hoard it, some to invest it, some to spend it, and some to find ways to use it in order to make this world a better place. The bottom line, though, is that whatever is done with the money that you earn is ultimately your responsibility to yourself, and those decisions are truly a reflection of the type of person that you are in actuality, which may be quite different than what you believe that you are.
This means, that the way that your money is spent or utilized, ultimately represents yourself in action. So that, there should be a conscious thought as to where your monies are being spent, where your monies are being saved, and how your money is being utilized, as it isn't good enough to just be blithely clueless about how your money just simply comes and goes as you must instead take personal responsibility for all that, for your money is your responsibility. In fact, just the very act of paying close attention to how your money is utilized will help to redirect you to what is or isn't a priority in your life, for how and where you spend or store your treasure is the measure of what does or does not really matter to you and the life that you lead.