Within every one of us, is an innate desire to find the truth, to find the meaning of life, to find the purpose of it all, for some, this has been drowned out by the cares of their world, or ignored, or cast aside in the pursuit of other things, but none of that can dismiss our innate desire that will not rest till it finds that truth, of which, there are not a multitude of truths, for if that was the case, than they would forever be at war with one another, but just one ultimate truth. That said, some people will insist that there must be more than one truth to account for different cultures, different religious faiths, different races, different ages in time, and so on and so forth, but again, that is a fundamental error in human reasoning and justification, for there is just that one truth, the same for everyone at every time, now and forevermore.
To find that truth should be the ultimate purpose of life, for all other activities, at best, are something less than the pursuit of that truth and thereby are the mere foreshadowing of such truth; then again for many, they are not even on the right path or of the right mind. This does not mean, nor does it signify, that for each of us, our greatest duty is to sit in quiet contemplation each day, in our pursuit of our connection to God, though, that most definitely is a worthy thing to do and desire, but that isn't necessarily our calling, or our reason for being.
What we should be doing, through insights granted to us by wise voices, or insights gifted to us by wise books, or through insights we have discovered through our own pursuits, is listening and obeying such voices, which help to direct or to re-direct our efforts in this world. For the very things, that so many people spend inordinate amounts of time and desire on such as their pursuit for or of: wealth, honor, power, lust, are all transitory, of which none are eternal, and most of these are selfish in their quality and their purpose. On the other hand, attributes such as: self-control, patience, goodness, joy, peace, generosity, and love are the very things that are long lasting and eternal, for these virtues are those that resonant most within the heart of God, for they are the same characteristics of God.
So often, so many, feel life cannot be better than partying within the moment, but ever single party has not only a beginning but also an end, no matter how grand that party might have been. In fact, the more that your life is built around satisfying yourself, especially to the exclusion of all others, the more that you will seek the substitutes for real love all in the pursuit of the gratification of your ego, in the mistaken notion that such substitutes will actually be effective over the long term, when they never are.
The satisfaction that you really need, has not changed from your inception, which is oneness with God, and until you embrace wholeheartedly your Creator, you will fall and fail again and again, for all that is, is God, and while God has no issues with your free desire to play and to enjoy the things that He has created, your forgetfulness of Him, demonstrated by self-aggrandizing behavior, will impede you in your progress and vision, so that the fear, the loneliness, and the unhappiness that you inevitably experience, all come from your inability to embrace the lasting truth of God, for the end of all searches, begins with Him.