God is the First Cause of everything, He is the Alpha and the Omega, of which, each soul on this planet, that is to say each human being on this good earth, was created by God, and gifted by this same God with free will, so as to best engage and conduct their lives per their own choosing. We are not God's little playthings and God is not our puppeteer with us as His little puppets, as we do indeed have free rein to do anything, without any limitations whatsoever. However, as in everything that we do, there are consequences, so that, those that believe that there are not consequences for their actions and for their thoughts, will find to their dismay or not, that there most certainly are, and unlike human beings or human institutions, which can be "gamed" or fooled, or tricked and so forth, God knows all, and His knowledge is never to be successfully trifled with.
We are created in God's image, as we are indeed God's children, and as His children, and having been created in His image, the things that we do, most definitely have meaning, signifying that everything that we accomplished that are fruits of the spirit, such as forbearance, faithfulness, cooperation, charity, and love, these all, as you do them, help to make this world a better place, and for having done so, we have helped to have created a better world, here and now, as well as creating stepping stones for our fellow brothers and sisters to step upon in their path to oneness with He who is everything.
This means that the things that we do, wrong or right, have real meaning and purpose, and while none of us, here on earth, are perfect in our actions and in our thoughts, we nevertheless are either adding to the ineffable goodness of all that has ever been created or we are not. Those that take wrong paths, will if not already self-evident that their pathway is wrong, have to either turn around and thereby get onto the right path, or fight their way through their mistakes so as to make good on their errors, not because God condemns us, but because those that have not the characteristics of God, cannot fully embrace God, for oil does not mix with the pure natural streams of God, and thereby these pollutants cannot ever reach God's infinite pool of crystal clear water.
On the other hand, each action and thought that you consciously make that are in harmony with God's thoughts, help not only those that you associate with on this plane, but help you to achieve closeness with God, because you are actively behaving in a manner that is after God's pure heart. This does indeed mean that the right things that you help to create, makes you a true co-creator with God, especially because while given a choice or many choices, you have chosen the better or best one, and this indeed will never be taken away from you.
God has everything that He could ever desire, God is complete, yet having gifted us with freedom and free will, God's heart yearns for us to return back to Him, and when having voluntarily mastered our tasks, no matter how long, no matter the difficulties, error, and confusion, we will return as His worthy children, co-creators that are delighted to rest ourselves, once again, in complete harmony as part and parcel of God, Himself.