Of course, in today's more secular society, many people do not ever use the word sin, in any of their conversations, which is rather perplexing, for we have all kinds of laws, all kinds of duties, all kinds of obligations, which are built upon a very basic foundation that certain things are right, and certain things are wrong, in which wrong and sin are typically synonymous with one another. Be that as it may, in formal religious organizations, sin is most definitely a word that patrons are familiar with and good church goers make a concerted effort to avoid such. Still, in church or without, there are constant debates as to what is or is not a sin, in which, many believe that somehow sin is fluctuates with the times of the age.
Life though, isn't really taking something as significant as sin, and then interpreting sin or re-interpreting sin to fit into whatever construct that has been established in one's mind, nor is life about mindlessly conforming to man's law, which is often mutable, inconsistent, and substandard, but rather life is really about getting oneself into harmony with the Creator of it all. So that, sin should actually be looked upon as anything which takes us away from God, which thereby loses our friendship and devotion to God, with the result that muddies our relationship with God, and that ultimately turns us away from God.
Think about this very carefully, for those that find this rather hard to understand, which is that in order to be in harmony with God, in order to become one with God, our mind-spirit must be 100% in accordance with our God, any anything that take away from such, is, when distilled, sin. This is not to say, that each day we should be constantly meditating quietly with our Lord, or contemplating only upon His words, while doing none of our duties for our brothers and sisters on earth, for that for a certainty, is selfish on our behalf, for we are truly responsible for our neighbors here on earth; instead, rather, it means that our activities, our thoughts, as well as our actions, should be in conformance with the truth, love, mercy, and justice of God, for these are the very attributes of our God.
We have no greater friend than the Incomparable One that created us and our hearts will forever be restless till we rest back in conjunction with our Creator. Beyond all duties, beyond all obligations, there is the overriding need to seek out the True Light, for all else, are, at best, mere reflections of such, and none of these, will ever truly satisfy ourselves, for the purity of Our Lord, can never be tarnished in any way, form, or manner.
We, that truly desire to be servants to our God, demonstrate such service, in our devotion to the fruits of the spirit, which are: "….love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance…" (Galatians 5:22-23), as these are indeed the spiritual stepping stones needed for each of us to find our way back to our Almighty One. Those that are true friends with our Creator have no sin, and those that sacrifice that friendship for momentary glory or selfishness, sacrifice such to the detriment of such friendship.