When the government, the police, the media, or the justice department, start off with "we had to get the bad guy," that should send a signal to your brain, that in actuality the story that is about to be told isn't close to being the truth of the matter. The reason that so often we hear that a certain country needs to be bombed, or a certain person needs to be assassinated, is because they are "bad", and this bad must be eliminated not so much by good, but by the power of those that claim the moniker of doing good.
Everyone wants to take the moral high ground, and thereby sell themselves as upholding goodness and justice, whereas life, itself, is far more complicated, far more nuanced, and far more intricate, than the cookie cutter sound-bites that we get. The fact of the matter is that certain people do bad things, but to then conclude that these people are simply bad, or that certain countries do bad things, so therefore these countries are simply bad, is convenient, an excuse, but is inherently unjust and untrue.
The fact of the matter is that demonizing people or countries is rather convenient especially for those that control the narrative but is often not truthful or just. Truth be told, the mighty and powerful are not always good, not everyone that puts on a military uniform is good or just, not every police officer that proudly wears the badge does justice to their department, not every person or country that is typically perceived as "good" is good, and certainly not every person or country that is drawn as "bad" is bad. So when governments that are long standing with Constitutions that are exceedingly well written, take it upon themselves to try to box those that they cannot control, or those that the wish to exploit, or those that have a different but legitimate mindset, into the category of "badness", one must recognized right away, that this is done for the sole purpose of selling the idea to the general population that good has a responsibility to eliminate bad, which is a rather simplistic and often tragic viewpoint.
Too often in life it is the victor who writes the history, and it is that victor that places itself in the role of goodness, that defeats those that represent badness, which merely is just another way of preaching that "might makes right", and is a disservice to the truth. While bad actions should never be rewarded, so too, those that take on the guise of being good, while in actuality, creating unnecessary havoc, confusion, intolerance and hatred, should be held accountable for their deception and deliberate obfuscation of the truth.
Too many countries and too many people behave in actuality just like the Pharisees of old, "they love the place of honor at banquets… they love to be greeted with respect… " (Matthew 23:6,7), but in reality they are the hypocrites of the highest order, believing themselves to be without sin or dishonor, while all others fall far short of their exalted selves. Sure, evil exists and persists, but it is self-serving to see it always in others, but never within ourselves.