Government: A Dangerous Servant / by kevin murray

The best government of any type is instituted amongst mankind for the benefit of mankind, signifying that legitimate government in and of itself that is created by man must not be allowed to subjugate the people and thereby take away their inalienable rights of life, liberty, and their freedom of conscience.  It thereby is important to recognize that the primary reason why any legitimate government is created in the first place is for the common good of the people, that is to say, when communities begin to develop, there is a need for social order as well as a protecting mechanism created for the best interests of that society.  All this is to the good, until such time, that the government, begins to see and behave in a fashion in which it believes that it really wasn't created by the people to serve the people, but instead is a force of its own, in which the people, or at least a broad swath of the people must be subservient to its function, or face the consequences which imperil their freedom in virtually all aspects. 


In point of fact, the people should never forget that they are sovereign to begin with, for before formal societies were developed, the people were free to do as they so wished and accepted by default the attended risks of doing so, thereby the governments so created by the people were, in fact, delegated by the people to do so, but in no respect, have the people, no matter how clueless or subverted that they may have become, surrendered their innate right to be rulers of their own lives.  This signifies that a government must at all times, be a true representative of the people, in which, the government is guided by natural law which it must answer to, for if the government itself, does not respect the higher law, than it will devolve into despotism, which makes the people subject to arbitrary and thereby unfair law.


Today, we live in a society, in which we are in theory governed by laws, in which the highest written law of the land is the Constitution, but if, in fact, the Constitution is some sort of living document, which signifies that rather than being immutable, it is indeed mutable by subjective judicial interpretation as opposed to legislated approved amendments, than society exists in a world in which today something may be legal and right, but tomorrow it is illegal and wrong, and vice versa.  None of this would exist if above all things, all laws were to conform with natural law to begin with, along with fact that government should not be an institution that behaves as if it is the final arbiter and distributor of basic freedoms and rights, that all are entitled to by birth.


Unfortunately, truth be told, government no longer resembles a servant to the people, whatsoever, but instead has aggrandized unto itself all sorts of power, including massive control of virtually every aspect of a given individual's life, so that, we live in a society which is unequal in the application of law, justice, freedom, and opportunity, thereby benefiting the few at the expense of the many, with government protecting and enabling the few to the detriment of the many, with the mass of the people, trapped in a society that in exchange for a modicum of protection and opportunity from such a government, live lives of quiet desperation, never once realizing that their inalienable rights have been illegitimately stolen from them.