Our National Established Religion / by kevin murray


The First Amendment to our Constitution is clear, that "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion," in which most people would judge that in today's America that this is true, for the judicial and legislative assaults against religion, has meant that especially in the public square, most particularly public schools and government property, that God is a footnote of history and relevant to virtually nothing in the day-to-day activities of the state. 


But that isn't quite true.  In fact, there is a national established religion in America, which is atheism, and while the semantics of whether atheism is a religion or not, cannot be answered for a certainty, it is fair to state that a non-belief in God, is definitely a form of belief, so that atheism, is de facto the belief that there is no God, and that therefore man is the measure of all things.


This means when governmental laws or judgments are passed, specifically precluding prayer to God, or a moment of silence for God, or the public symbols of religion from the Bible are declared unconstitutional forms of the national government supporting or aiding the establishment of a religion, in which, these symbolsof God's presence and meaning in life,  are touchstones for three of the most prominent religions in the world: Judaism, Islam, and Christianity, than rather what has occurred, is the invalidity of a traditional belief system, being replaced by the established religion of atheism as protected and promulgated by the state.


It might seem strange that in America, religion is considered to be by many governmental institutions to necessitate a wall of separation between the two, with apparently the only acceptable part of religion remaining, being that one is entitled in their own private space to worship God or in the sanctuary of their church, but everywhere else, that is the public sphere, it has become for all intents and purposes prohibited and replaced by the non-belief or atheism.


The reason that the state has consistently assaulted religion over the past fifty years, comes down to the fact that man cannot serve two masters, and the state does not wish or desire to compete against God, for the Bible is quite clear, that we can only have one master, and that the correct master is our Creator, and our Creator alone.  This means that in situations in which citizens are conflicted as to what to do or what to support, the state does not want to have a divided loyalty from its citizens, and consequently has gone out of its way to trivialize religious worship as worthless, stupid, illegal, and antiquated.


The state most definitely is at war with religion, although this war is one of attrition, and the taking away of the privilege of the freedom of worship from each and every citizen, bit by bit, for the government knows that they cannot swoop in overnight and disband religious institutions without creating massive havoc , blowback, and dissent from its citizens.  This government is well aware that the more ignorant each succeeding generation is about religion, and about their religious rights under the First Amendment, that the easier it will be to essentially banish religion from the public square, and thereby all legislative and judicial decisions will be reasoned via secular thoughts with no consideration of God, whatsoever, in conformance with the national established religion of America which is atheism.