We live in a material world with specific natural laws that go along with living in that world, so too, with our physical features, many people engage the world, believing that through their physical senses, that is all that there is, however, intuitively we know that the physical never has been, and never will be, and could never be, the be-all and end-all of existence. This would signify, that those that devote all of their time, energy, and thought to the physical realm, have veered off of the straight and narrow path, and are instead in their devotion to the laws that govern mortal life, trapped into the mistaken belief, that the satisfaction and happiness that they desire so badly, can be achieved within their mortal frame.
In point of fact, which cannot be emphasized enough, we are spirit, encased within the physical, for a short and finite period of time, so that those that recognize such, will look upon earthly life as something fundamentally different than those that can not engage or comprehend this concept. While there is absolutely nothing wrong with embracing your physical being and its attributes in a manner in which you are dedicated to maximizing your efforts to make this world better for your having been here, for having worked hard and thereby accomplished good things while also being selfless and charitable in your efforts, there are many more that don't really have a conscious clue.
While there are many errors that mankind makes, the greatest error, starts with the self, and often that error fundamentally comes from a belief, that our own aggrandizement, in all of the attributes that are reflected in this: such as honor, wealth, lust, gluttony, selfishness, and power, are what we must achieve in order to have lasting happiness, but that happiness, no matter how long we are able to remain on top, is both transient and certainly finite; to wit, upon our physical death, when we are stripped of our physicality and exposed for what we really are, which is our natural state of spirit, we will recognize to our eternal dismay, that having spent our time and energy on selfish pursuits and selfish desires, that we have indeed built our house upon sand, and such a foundation, has no lasting power, in addition to the harm that has been done to others, all of which we cannot escape from when we are exposed fully to He who is Truth, Justice, and Love.
Each person upon this earth, has a responsibility innate within them, to search for the Truth, and that Truth will indeed set you free, for there is not an infinite amount of truths, or a relative concept of truth, but just one Truth, and those that believe not in this, will be reminded of that which they already knew, intuitively, that we all are of the same substance of one Truth, one Spirit, one Family, one Being, with one inclusive God.
We are immortal, therefore we cannot be our physical body, for the physical comes and the physical goes, instead, we are what we have always been, pure spirit, formed by our Creator, it is our natural state, it is what we truly are, therefore we are indeed created equally, and this earthly existence, is our proving ground, in which each day by our actions and by our thoughts, we decide who and whom we shall serve, for we do indeed reap what we do sow