Hebrews 13:8 / by kevin murray

We read in Holy Scripture the following from Hebrews 13:8, "Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and today, and forever," which clearly makes the statement that Jesus Christ is immutable, just as God is immutable, that is to say, God is not changing over time, and neither is Jesus Christ.  Yet, Jesus came to this good earth as a babe, and there is not a doubt, that as all humans that are born into the flesh, he did change, from a swaddling babe to an adult man over a period of normal time, so too, his attributes, his intelligence, his gifts, if not changed, if not developed, were not for a certainly held inert in the power of a helpless babe, thus it could be strongly argued that they were developed, and that they were learned, so how can me make sense of this particular Biblical passage?


The best way to look upon this is to understand that because we live in a physical body, and that body changes, is that when this passage states that Jesus Christ is the same, always, it cannot possibly be referring to the body, whatsoever.  So then, what must it be referring to?  In this case, it can only be referring to the Christ, the power animating Jesus, and it is this consciousness which is at one with the Father, at one with our Creator, that Jesus is attuned with, so that there is no error in his behavior, there is no wrong in his actions, because Jesus has become part and parcel of the Holy Trinity, of the Son as the representation of Jesus on earth, the Father as the Alpha and Omega, and the Holy Spirit, which quickens the physical body on earth as well as being in principle the mind of that being.


If this interpretation of Hebrews 13:8, is correct, it makes it far easier to understand not only the meaning of immutability of Jesus Christ, but also opens up the very door that each of us has been gifted with, which is that each of us has the capacity to attune ourselves with the Godhead, so that we too can "do all things through Christ...", and so that we too are indeed children of the Most High God.  The confusion that so many make, is to see the body as the be-all and end-all of humanity, when in fact, the true nucleus of our physical body is not the physicality of it, but the mind, which is activated by the Holy Spirit, which does indeed come from our Creator who is immutable.


The pattern that Jesus shows us, is that those that get wrapped up in the flesh, will miss the forest for the trees, that indeed,   they get caught up in the tragedy of life, of its beginnings and of its endings, of its justice and its injustice, of its evil and its good, never once comprehending, that as real as that might seem to them in the flesh, it is just a shadow of a play of a testing of our own choosing.  Jesus the body was crucified, and that body did die, but Christ rose from the dead, to awaken us from our own mindless mortal slumber in the hopes that we would see Christ for what Christ really is, unchangeable, immortal, all knowing, and beyond time and space, for there never was a time when Christ was not, and there will never be a time when Christ will not be.