In looking at birthrates in America, specifically in regards to income and also by educational level, there is an inverse relationship between one's birthrate and one's income, and also an inverse relationship between one's birthrate and one's educational achievement. While it might be concluded that such exists, because those that are getting educated are too busy to have children, or that those that are making good money, don't have the time for children, that is contradicted by the fact that in today's city-based world, children are very expensive to have and to rear, along with the attendant responsibilities that childrearing demands , indicating that those with the most money, as well as best futures, are the most viable candidates to have children, but in point of fact, they do not have them at the same rate as those that have less.
It is vital to remember that humans, whether they want to visibly acknowledge it or not, have an innate desire to love and to be loved, so that, a contributing reason as to why the birthrate for children is so much higher for those that are undereducated and poor, than those that are not, is seldom because the poor do not comprehend birth control, but more that those without material assets and bright futures, find solace in creating a child that is their own, that they can thereby love, and that will subsequently love them back. It is this love, the taking care of others, that drives women to take on the immense responsibilities of motherhood, in the hopes that such, will take care of the emptiness and loneliness of lives that often lack consistently meaningful tactile touch and the soothing comfort brought forth from interactions with other human beings that truly care for them.
This lack of love, or the feeling of receiving of love, or a suitable substitute for this lack, often drives woman to do all sorts of things, of which, the desire to have something of their own, something to love and to cherish, is perhaps the supreme wish of them all. The fact that those lacking in education as well as in income, over and above maturity, family, and other emotional issues, are the most fertile of all American groups, reflects that those that have not, desire to have, and that they express that desire in having children, under ideal or less than ideal circumstances.
The thing about life for those that have what appears to be limited horizons and limited futures, is that it is their belief, that even though their life has typically not been one of joy and happiness, that through the creation of new life, that their child may have the opportunity to reap what has been denied to them. This is why they take great joy in the birth of their child, for from that birth, is created the opportunity for their child's freedom, and for their child's pursuit of happiness, that is theoretically gifted to all, but achieved by far fewer, in which those who have had their dreams denied by the lack of caring, love, affection, and concern, will their progeny to make good and to be good to others.