The Constitution and the laws of this land are supposed to be equally applied to all, to wit, in the advent and the ultimate resolution of our Civil War, the 14th Amendment was passed, specifically addressing matters in such a manner that those that were formerly treated as chattel, that were slaves, would not be denied "equal protection of the laws", as well as "life, liberty or property, without due process of law." These lofty words should mean something, but in practicality, they haven't changed much of anything, as each and every day, the law is unequally applied, and often used as a cudgel to control specific elements of the population, as well as unfair and inconsistent in virtually all of its aspects in its application.
One does not need to spend much time watching newscasts, or reading papers, to see that, so often, the policing arm of the state, uses the law almost with immunity, to assert their force and their legitimacy against those that are inconvenient or annoying to the state or to them personally, which makes for a world in which, the state protects and defends certain specific segments of society, and by definition, oppresses others. Not too surprisingly, while the division of such, can often be shown literally as the difference between black and white, it basically comes down to, money and influence vs. those that lack both.
It's a crying shame, with all the wonderful edifices, all the incredibly gifted lawyers and good laws and good principles written inside our Constitution as well as written in the laws throughout this land, that the application of such is a woeful imitation of what it should really be. When laws are written, or when laws are applied or when laws are interpreted, in a manner that highly favors certain parties to the exclusion of all others that are not privy to those same privileges, you do not have a country with meaningful and fair laws, but you have instead a hypocritical country that is: untrue, unjust, unequal, and unfair.
It might sound wonderful that if you have a lot of money or plenty of influence, that you can get the very best legal advice and the very best legal counsel, so too, if might sound wonderful, that averse decisions reached in a court of law, often leave free a path for the losing party to have an appeal and reversal, but all of these things come with a true price to the people, in which, that price is a recognition that in America, laws and their residue are always in shades of gray, subject to, the forces that are above the law, and therein lies the rub.
When laws are consistently and continuously essentially arbitrary, capricious, convoluted, confusing, inconsistent, unreliable, and unintelligible, than the ultimate arbiter of those laws, has the power to put into effect their interpretation of the law so that some most obviously will benefit and others most obviously will not. So that, the upshot of all this, is that in America, you have unequal laws, unequally applied, with the results of such, under the control of a judiciary that answers not to the people but rather to its own.