Each year the government in all of its many forms, local, State, and Federal, becomes a bigger and bigger component of everyday life; whether that be via direct employment, or assistance, or whatever way, desired or not, big government plays a role in your life, for better or for worse. American citizens, for whatever reason, in modern times, have ceded whether by conscious volition or not, more and more of their rights in trade for the perceived necessity of governmental protection or governmental handouts or governmental assistance in all of its many forms. What many people fail to take into account, though, is the old saying that "there is no such thing as a free lunch", which basically means that everything costs something, that indeed, material things do not and cannot simply be produced out of thin air, therefore everything has a cost associated to it, and those that receive those free lunches, may find that the tradeoff is not nearly as beneficial or as benevolent as originally imagined.
For instance, there are many people that need public assistance for housing, for health, for food, for education, and for various other things, in which, probably, those people would ideally just want to get their benefits without having to provide much of anything else in return, however, that isn't the way that bureaucracy works in this country, for, in fact, bureaucrats want to know everything about you, ostensibly argued as a way to help you, but in actuality, as a way to control and mold you. It's one thing, to gather pertinent information about families that are utilizing public assistance, but it is an entirely different thing when a quid pro quo is set up, so that public assistance for housing, requires that you not have contact with ex-felons, even if these ex-felons are blood relatives, or such assistance, means periodic drug testing, even though, you have committed no crime.
So too, when continuous public assistance, means that the government has the right to enter your place of residence, at a time of their choosing, to investigate, to check, to test, to interrogate, those receiving certain benefits from the government, this essentially means that those receiving such public assistance have sacrificed some of their Constitutional rights, specifically, their 4th Amendment rights, which are a vital protection for the people to be secure in their persons and houses, and replaced it with arbitrary power aggrandized onto governmental agents or proxies. There are many taxpayers that believe that this is a fair tradeoff, for, after all, those receiving free lunches, should be subject to some reasonable checks and balances. The fallacy, though, with this type of thinking, is that clearly, those that believe that this is correct, somehow have failed to realize, that this creates two Americas', one in which full rights are given to those that are monetarily secure, and lesser rights to those that are impoverished, which is a bastardization of what this great nation really represents, and what this great nation should want to represent, for either we are all in this together, with equality and fair justice for all, or some of us have been made to become children of a lesser Constitution.