What Church should be / by kevin murray

Churches represent all sorts of things to all sorts of people, in which, some churches are absolutely beautiful edifices and/or have beautiful grounds, whereas other churches are rather humble, or even in a bit of disrepair, along with everything in-between.  The thing about churches, is that each church should be cognizant of its real mission, which while including imparting knowledge and an opportunity for people of the faith to congregate together, it should also be seen as an outreach to those that need to hear of God's love for his people, as well as a sanctuary for those that need to have that space so as to deal with the inevitable trials, tribulations, and troubles of everyday life.


Going to church is an opportunity for those that are hurting to be healed, a refuge that is necessary to have, in order to help build up the strength to handle things that are and have been too overwhelming for so many, as well as presenting an opportunity to grow and to do well to others.  While it is important for a church to have a message for its congregants, it is as important if not more so, for that church to really know its flock, so as to thereby be able to lend a helping hand to those that really are in need.


If some people that attend the church, do not appear to have any problems, so much the better for them, but life really isn't about the celebration of a particular life that has gone so well, because that is celebration enough, but rather that we have an obligation, to see ourselves as part of a greater whole, and therefore it is our duty to take those weakest links and through our efforts in conjunction with our neighbors uplift those that need that helping hand, which helps them, along with making us better for having done so, and thereby helps to actualize God's word.


A church should also be seen as something akin to a big family, a family in which the congregants practice in their actions and in their behavior being a good family member to one another, or else, we have fundamentally missed the very meaning of what life should really represent, which is that we all are in this thing, together, one family, one God, one Savior.


Those that lead us at church, must make the church inclusive, not exclusive, must lead by example, not just by words, and certainly must help us in renewing our strength, our faith, and our devotion, so that we are better for having entered our sanctuary, and the people within that church, are better for us being there with them.  A good church should challenge us to become a better person, and as iron sharpens iron, churches need to be the instruments for our growth, and our advancement, as opposed to encouraging our complacency that we're okay just the way that we currently are. 


Those that think that they are good and perhaps feel that they don't really need church perhaps shouldn't be at church, for churches aren't really there for those that have perfected themselves, or for those good people who have no faults, but for those lost sheep that want to get back to their flock, and thereby return to that narrow path led by their shepherd back to our Creator.