Warning: Using Social Media sites can kill you / by kevin murray

The government requires all sorts of warning labels for all sorts of things that people utilize or take on a daily basis: such as certain machine tools, prescribed pharmaceutical drugs, and cigarettes.  Whether these warning labels actually work, is debatable, but they are required by government law, or it not, recommended by respected legal advisors.  It is somewhat surprising, that social media sites are not compelled by law or encouraged by legal advisors to provide a similar warning, either voluntarily, or mandated by law, by virtue of the fact, that the usage of social media has led to murders, stalking, assaults, and other crimes of one person against the other.


The most basic thing that at its core is wrong about so many social media sites is the fact that the users of such, often aren't really aware of how invasive and how actionable the information that is presented on their site is engaged by other people, of which some of these people, do not have the best interests of the social media poster in the first place.  Those that use social media to post exactly where they are located at the present time, exactly who they are or are not currently dating, exactly how they feel about people that use to be close to them, and displays essentially all of this information in a public forum, easily creates a situation in which, because other people have been publicly shamed, or are jealous minded, or other negative emotions, will react in ways that could be catastrophic for all.


Those that use social media sites the most are often young, along with many being impulsive, lacking in maturity, lacking in good judgment, and exceedingly sensitive to how they are portrayed and what they believe should or should not be permitted in a forum which in many respects is very public.  Additionally, just the way that social media sites are constructed and utilized, what one person sees as teasing or being playful, another person may interpret it as being taunting and provocative, which can lead to rather dire consequences.


While there are certain people that deliberately make posts on social media sites, trying to incite a reaction for whatever reason, on the other hand, most people making posts are not looking for real trouble, yet, they may indeed have to confront trouble from making a post that in their intention, wasn't even supposed to have been seen by certain people, but when social media accounts, have hundreds of even thousands of friends, you, really don't know who is looking at your posts, nor do you know what they actually feel about them.


The owners of social media have a vested interest in people having lots of "likes" or friends, or connections, or followers, and so on, but individuals on a very real level, simply don't have that many people that they really have that sort of connection with, and in actuality, would be far better served to be far more discreet, far more cognizant of the fact that not everybody has your best interests in mind, and that social media is a very poor way to deal with conflict, meaning that in certain situations very bad things can happen, because perceptions of public shame or public bickering, can easily lead to bodily harm, including even death.