This planet has a population of about 7.5 billion peoples, and these people need to be at an absolute minimum fed, clothed, and sheltered. Yet, there are many countries and/or areas within those countries that clean water within the sphere of where people live does not readily exist, compelling denizens of those areas to trek whatever distance it takes to where the clean water is; consider also the fact that there are many populations that are not self sustaining for the food that they need in order to survive, and are thereby dependent upon the delivery of such food from their government or relief agencies; in addition to many people lacking adequate housing to live in, reducing those to ramshackle living, susceptible to the elements on any given day.
The amount of people living in some sort of poverty or some sort of daily privation that makes them vulnerable to not having enough to eat, or drink, or the simple ability to live humanely, represents a substantial portion of the population as a whole, of which nearly half of the world lives on the equivalency of $2.50 or less each day. This means that there is an incredibly high amount of people that are vulnerable to the real fear of being starved and when the subsidies that feed and shelter the poor, as well as subsidies that allow fuel to be provided to the people at significantly below market rates, in addition to pensions and other governmental programs that are the backbone of the most basic economic well being of masses of people, are reduced or eradicated, than the people, with literally nothing to lose, because they have nothing, will revolt.
The problem that is created when the government behaves as the great benefactor to the people, or Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) perform this same sort of duty, is when that aid or help is disrupted by, for example, governmental corruption or logistical problems, than those people expecting such beneficial charity will suffer greatly; made ever more dire, by the fact that often the wherewithal to feed, to clothe, and for good health, simply doesn't exist within that community for they have not the necessary means to accomplish such. This then, creates incredible human vulnerabilities, made immensely worse by virtue that communities without self-sustaining viability are already on the precipice of human misery.
A civilization that has significant portions of its population that are simply surviving, at best, signifies that fundamentally that civilization has failed their people, of which, most times, the solution by those empowered by such civilization to address such an immense and pressing problem isn't to correct if foundationally, but rather to paper it over by providing just the bare necessities to those people for them to live on day-by-day, by providing them with food, water, and shelter, but no program or plan to do much better than that. This means, for a certainty, that when times of trouble come, and they do come, than social unrest, rioting, revolt, and uprising are all strongly possible, and those that answer such, with the barrel of a gun, may indeed stymied such unrest, but have resolved nothing, for the fundamental issue, that it is for the living to really live, still poignantly exists.