Appreciate your little victories / by kevin murray

Many people wrongly assume that in order for their life to have been a success, they need to have accomplished great things on a great scale, but that opportunity is seldom even available in the first place, and often is not realistic for most individuals.  Instead, it behooves a given individual to simply concentrate on doing right, in the things that they do day-by-day, for in their interactions with those who are big and small, will define who and what they really are, and ultimately it is in these interactions that will create the opportunity to produce the good that will make life better for those within your sphere.


This means that the best ministry for anybody is really in how you treat your fellow compatriots in your everyday interactions.  So that those that are considerate, caring, and compassionate in their demeanor with others, are actually achieving little victories, step-by-step, for really it is the love that we have for others, that caring concern for others that helps to bring a smile to another's face, or our comfort to them, that provides a vital helping hand, that demonstrates our devotion to their well being.


We do not need to unnecessarily complicate life, for in modern society, it is complicated enough, instead, we need to remember that we are all in this world, together, and that each of us has made errors of judgment, of commission and omission, so that, first, by being more forgiving to the other, we thereby show a proper appreciation that we aren't above it all, and with this humility, it helps to keep us focused on being more accepting of others, recognizing that in the aiding and helping of another, everyone thereby makes progress, together.


When you reflect on some of your finest moments in life, you will find, that seldom are these moments ones of selfish celebration, of which others fell down to their knees in appreciation of you, but instead we value the little acts that brought that sincere smile and words of appreciation from another, that brought joy and comfort for someone that was suffering through a particularly difficult moment, for that is what actually makes your heart grow bigger, because it feels so good to be a force of good, to be that ever present help in a sea of trouble.


Those that are able to show patience in times when doing so, requires great patience, or restraint in times when restraining oneself requires strong control, or love to another, when loving seems almost impossible to do, are performing the very actions that make for a better character, a stronger will, and a renewed sense of real purpose, for the more often you are able to do good when circumstances are somewhat trying, the more indomitable your will and your persona will be, for good habits, done well, enhances you as a person.


Recognize always, that even the greatest works of art, start with the very first stroke, and even a path of a thousand miles, starts with that very first step, so that, take solace in knowing that every step that you take in the right direction, every deed that you do big or small that is of value, vitally helps to shine light upon darkness, and those that carry and spread such light, are the ones that brighten this world, and help to enlighten many hearts.