Most people have heard of the Federal Reserve Bank or the "Fed" as it is known, or at least are vaguely aware of such a bank, but many people do not truly know much about the Federal Reserve Bank. First off, there is the deception in its name, in which, the natural inclination is to assume that the Federal Reserve Bank must be the United States National bank, but it is not, despite the fact that the word "Federal" matches up exactly to our national government, known as the Federal government. In addition, the word "Reserve" within the context of the Fed would imply a place serving as a depository of money, and hence having monetary reserves. The last word, "Bank", is pretty much self-explanatory, as banks are where the money is at, and money is loaned out by banks to individuals as well as to companies. In addition, our physical money, such as dollar bills, state on the front of the bill that it is a "Federal Reserve Note", in which underneath that it reads "United States of America," followed by "This note is legal tender for all debts public and private." So clearly, the Federal Reserve Bank has authorization to print or have printed Federal Reserve Notes which are the legal tender, or the coin of the realm, which signifies that this represents money in our financial system, in which, it is assumed that the Fed is actually the United States National bank which it is not.
In point of fact, our Constitution states in Article 1, Section 8, "The Congress shall have Power… To coin Money, regulate the value thereof…" This Constitutional power would seem to imply that the Federal Reserve Bank is operating under the aegis of Congress, but again, it really is not, for the Fed, is actually a private, or stockholder held, consortium of regional member banks, in which, the purpose of those banks that make up the Fed, is to make money for those banks, which essentially means to make money off of the American public by setting interest rates, and monetary policy for this country. Even though the President of the United States is the person that appoints the Fed Chair, the Fed is functionally independent of the President of the United States, as well as functionally independent of Congress, which means that the Fed members can neither be controlled by the President or Congress, nor can they be fired by the President or Congress, so the Fed, is definitely not the United States National Bank, it is in fact, a coalition of private banks, that have issued securities through a stock exchange, of which these securities or stocks are publically held.
As everybody knows, money is a form of power, the fact that American has ceded its power to an alliance of banks that act as the government's central bank but is not controlled by the government, and therefore not controlled by the people of this country is a grand disservice to the people. In addition, the Federal government on behalf of the people of this great nation, own an incredible amount of real assets, such as land federally owned throughout America, mineral rights on land as well as offshore, buildings and infrastructure of all shapes and sizes, and the collective intelligence of all those that are directly employed by the federal government. All of these combined, are the true collateral and value of America, and consequently, these assets and collateral should form the very basis of a true national bank of the United States, which further to the point, could create currency back by mineral assets, such as a combination of oil, natural gas, coal, silver, and gold, so that the money would not be fiat money, which is exactly what the money that is currently utilized in America, is classified as.
The fact is that the Federal Reserve bank, that acts as the central bank of the United States, essentially takes tribute from the Federal government, that is the people of America, by charging whatever usury rate that they so desire as a charge against government borrowed money, which is an unconscionable scam upon the people, for Federal Reserve Notes are backed by nothing, as it is merely a medium of exchange, thereby profiting off of the labor of the people, and exploiting people by virtue of the fact that those that have essentially a monopoly on the creation and legality of money, are the masters of those that do not.