While mainstream western religious doctrines deal with hell in all sorts of different ways, they often make it seem rather straightforward that there will be those that will go to hell because of their unbelief, or because of their wrong actions which they have not been absolved of, or because of their ignorance, and so on and so forth. However, looking at life, and you will see, that life is seldom so clearly demarcated, in fact, it is much more nuanced, more akin to shades of gray, and that it is thereby too simplistic that there are certain people designated as being so good or so pure or so forgiven that they will get eternal benefits, whereas there are other people that are so fundamentally bad and so unrepentant that they therefore go to the eternal damnation of hell, all of which indicates that sort of doctrine or belief must be fundamentally flawed and misguided.
In point of fact, like the selling of indulgences, back in the day, which in theory, would provide even the worse of sinners, a place in Heaven, that isn't the way our eternal afterlife works. God is love, justice, and fairness, so being clever in this life, or following religious rules as interpreted by those on this earth, as if this will for a certainty provide you with either Heaven or hell is not correct, and those that point to this or that scripture or saying as if they know, for a fact what will happen, do not know what they are talking about, for to face God, is to face Truth, and Truth does not and will not bend to manmade rules or doctrines.
God has provided each one of us, no matter the circumstances, good or bad, fair or not, the freedom to do whatever that we so desire to do, within our given circumstances, whatever they may be, on this planet. It is in those actions, in our words and in our interactions that define who and what we really are. These then serve as the building blocks that either bring us closer to God, or take us further away, and things such as hate, angry, selfishness, and envy, are not the attributes of God, so that, in consideration of these things, we create our own hell by our actions that we have to overcome, meaning that in order to get right with God, we accomplish this by being kind, considerate, loving, and patient.
Those that have the true knowledge of God, with their contemplative insight, recognize intuitively how far they are from the perfection that represents our God, and therefore they are the most humble of servants. It is these people we should listen to, for their voice of calmness, wisdom, and gentleness speaks to the truth of what God represents and who God really is. God is love, and our Creator has granted us freedom, of which, this freedom is our opportunity to say yes to God and His beatitudes, or to say no to God, and suffer through the consequences of wrong actions and wrong thinking.
When your mind is not right, when your actions are not right, when you have been selfish, unfair, and wrong, these things, may indeed be forgiven by our gracious Lord, but in recognition that we have failed in our demeanor, we have created our very own hell, for hell is not eternal fire and brimstone, but instead is our inability to fully re-unite with the Godhead, because of our impurity, and until such time as we successfully burn off the dross that dirties us, separating us thereby from our Creator, we must, if we are wise, through our faithful diligence and efforts, step by step, by doing right, find our way, back to God, or in our separation, suffer through our own personal hell.