Our 4th Amendment states: "The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated…" but the way that no-knock raids are conducted in America on a routine basis, in which, as reported by the vox.com, "Cops do 20,000 no-knock raids a year," clearly indicates that the police can raid just about anybody's home under the most dubious of circumstances if they simply justify such a raid by classifying the subject property that has been designated as needing a no-knock raid as being too dangerous for a normal warrant and/or that a warning would allow such to destroy evidence of criminal activity. This pretty much makes it relatively easy for police to specifically target individuals in a manner that their 4th Amendment rights are effectively null and void.
In addition, to houses being routinely broken into by policing authorities under the guise of the necessity of doing so to catch criminals and to reduce crime, so then, have the police become more and more aggressive in routinely conducting unreasonable searches of people out in the public sphere, such as in walking, or in the driving of their vehicles, so that, targeted citizens, have effectively no protection from searches and seizures at any time that they are in the public sphere, as well as no protection within their own private space, if the policing authorities have determined that they are a subject of interest to them.
This effectively means that our 4th Amendment is in tatters, for no longer is the citizen sovereign of his own space or his own person, subject only to reasonable searches and seizures, specific to true probable cause, as well as to a specific description of the place so being search, and specific to the targeted item alleged to be on the person or premises, but instead has become subject to any search and seizure at any time, for any reason, if the policing authorities simply decide that this is what they want to do, for the justice system, consistently, backs up such in the court of law.
This means, in effect, that citizens are never presumed to be innocent, but all are presumed to be guilty, and therefore, knowing that such are guilty, the police construct a narrative that is consistent with their actions, and the citizens suffer from it, so that false arrests are made all of the time, for gathering of information, for criminal charges, for intimidation, for harassment, for control, and so on and so forth, all in service to the policing agency of this country.
It has been said that a man's home is his castle, so that each individual can be made to feel that he always has some space within this world that is inviolable by anyone of any authority at anytime. That is a most basic tenet of true freedom and to therefore to violate one's castle, the policing authority of the state should be held accountable at the highest level to this written Constitution, for when a man has no sanctuary from the policing arm of the state, he is not his own man, and he is not free. So too, your person is your own, your body is your own, your mind is your own, your spirit is your own, so when these are also subject to being seized, or controlled, by the policing authority of the state, so that to leave one's own home, endangers your person, than you aren't free, you aren't a man, and you have becomeeffectively the chattel property of the state, having no rights that need be respected by that state.