You cannot create existence out of non-existence / by kevin murray

Modern man's ignorance of basic universal laws is stupefying.  That is to say, as man has become more intelligent, and has passed forth its collective knowledge from one generation unto the next and thereby improved upon it, man has gravitated from the knowledge that we must have a Creator to the revised knowledge that we must not, that man is indeed the measure of all things; but this cannot ever be true, isn't true at the present time, and will never be true.  This means, that man, because man doesn't want to answer to any Law that is above man's own arbitrary law, ignores the obvious, mainly because mankind wants to adhere unto itself the attributes as if man is a god, whereas man most certainly is not, and never will be.


Think carefully about the most basic of truths, that you cannot create something or anything out of nothing or non-existence, yet, esteemed scientists, teachers, and their ilk, make that argument all of the time through insipid theories such as the big bang, in which the universe theoretically came out of nothingness into our present day universe.  So too, scientists somehow are able to with a straight face believe that humanity, came forth from some primordial soup, of which intelligent life eventually evolved.


The problem with any of these atheistic theories is that taken down to the very core, there comes a time, when nothing, that is an absolute void, is somehow is able to become something, but that is foundationally flawed.  It is flawed, because it has not and cannot be produced in nature, there is nothing that has ever been made, or that has ever been created, that has started from absolutely nothing--that is to say, from a complete and total void.  The scientific model that proves the point that something can come out of nothing has not been proven and will never be proven for it cannot happen.


While it is intriguing that mankind desires to know the origin of things, and desires to ponder upon such, a scientific approach for the origin of things is hopeless.  On the other hand, mankind is gifted with the intelligence to know, to implicitly know, that time itself is an illusion, so that scriptural words such as: "In the beginning…" should not be taken literally but are given to mankind as an aid for his understanding that man is part and parcel of God, so that in reality, in regards to the creation of the earth, as well as to the creation of mankind, there never was a time when earth did not exist, or that mankind did not exist upon it, for that creation, is beyond time and space, though to us, it appears to be entwined with time and space, but that is based on the limited perception that mankind has in the physical sphere.


The reason that you exist, that is to say, your consciousness, and thereby your soul exists, is because it has always existed, and will always exist, for all that will ever be created has already been created, God therefore is not in some sort of constant flux, changing, re-inventing, or morphing, for God does not evolve, for God is timeless, changeless, and immortal.  Our very existence has naught to do with earthly things, for these, as real as they appear to us, as physical as they might be, are in reality our opportunity to play in the drama of a different dimension, in which, the true objective of the exercise is to demonstrate in action that we are knowledgeable about who and what we really are and thereby to do the right things with others, so as to be in harmony with the Creator of it all.